[dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-issues-00
Ted Lemon <Ted.Lemon@nominum.com> Fri, 10 August 2012 03:15 UTC
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From: Ted Lemon <Ted.Lemon@nominum.com>
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Thread-Topic: WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-issues-00
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Subject: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-issues-00
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The authors have requested a working group last call. The document describes some problems that exist in the way DHCP clients handle multiple stateful options, and proposes a solution that unifies the client state machine to accommodate these issues. This document could use additional review, so please take the time to read it over and comment on it if you have any comments. If you are in favor of advancing the document, please say so. If you oppose advancing it, please say so, and say why. We will evaluate the consensus based on these responses on August 24. Thanks!
- [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-issu… Ted Lemon
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Gaurav Halwasia (ghalwasi)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ted Lemon
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ted Lemon
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Wes Beebee (wbeebee)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Hemant Singh (shemant)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ole Trøan
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ole Trøan
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ole Trøan
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ole Trøan
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ted Lemon
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ole Trøan
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ted Lemon
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Bernie Volz (volz)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ted Lemon
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Bernie Volz (volz)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ted Lemon
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Bernie Volz (volz)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ted Lemon
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Wes Beebee (wbeebee)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Bernie Volz (volz)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Hemant Singh (shemant)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Hemant Singh (shemant)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Bernie Volz (volz)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Hemant Singh (shemant)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Bernie Volz (volz)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Ole Trøan
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Bernie Volz (volz)
- Re: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-… Hemant Singh (shemant)