[DNSOP] DoH vs DoT vs network operators, and requirements/goals?

Brian Dickson <brian.peter.dickson@gmail.com> Wed, 13 February 2019 21:56 UTC

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Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 13:56:29 -0800
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Subject: [DNSOP] DoH vs DoT vs network operators, and requirements/goals?
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I've been thinking a bit about some of the issues raised in the recent DoH

What I am wondering about, is what the goals of different parties might be.

I am also wondering whether some available standards (or additions to some
of those standards) might be helpful.

Finding particular middle ground technical solutions to balance the
different goals (hard requirements vs philosophical issues vs real-world
things), is what I think is a productive direction to have discussions.

Some of the issues may need to be examined a bit closer. E.g. distrust is
pretty vague. There are multiple underlying issues, e.g. privacy ("I don't
trust you to know stuff"), or data integrity ("I don't trust you to not
mangle data"), or surveillance ("I trust him more than I trust you, because
he doesn't keep logs longer than X hours").

I think the ability to separate out DNS from non-DNS traffic when the
transport is TLS on some commonly-used TCP port, is another issue.

Similarly, being able to identify end-points by name or by cert, and
possibly having the ability to act on that identification (permit/deny) is
another thing.

Are there other requirements/drivers on these issues, that are implied or
that might need to be considered?

Is there any need/desire to separate the transport from the actual DNS
resolution? Or would that add too much complexity with no obvious benefit?
Would anyone offer transport while allowing use of a third/fourth party DNS

The technical things that might be worth looking at, that I can think of,

   - New certificate use types (specific to only DNS, DoH, DoT,
   server/client etc?)
   - SNI
   - DNS server names (standardized or validated, or white-listed)
   - SRV stuff or similar
   - AH without any content encryption (Null cipher), allows channel
   integrity while letting network operator monitor view query/response
   traffic, e.g. for pseudo-RPZ functionality
   - Is there a DANE use case anywhere in here?

Sorry for the noise, if anyone isn't interested in this stuff.
