[Gen-art] Gen-art LC2/Telechat review of draft-ietf-insipid-session-id-24

Elwyn Davies <elwynd@folly.org.uk> Fri, 12 August 2016 16:47 UTC

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Document: draft-ietf-insipid-session-id-26.txt
Reviewer: Elwyn Davies
Review Date: 2016/08/12
IETF LC End Date: 2016/08/04
IESG Telechat date: 2016/08/18

Summary: (2nd Last Call and Telechat) Almost ready. The points from my 
review of -24 in the first Last Call have all been addressed - thanks - 
with the exception of the location of the key definitions of "session 
id" and "communication session".  The latest version (-26) refers the 
reader to RFC 7206 which needs to be a normative reference but is an 
Informational RFC, creating a downref.    I cannot see that a 
requirements document meets the criteria for an allowable downref as 
described in Section 2 of RFC 3967. Reproducing the two definitions in 
the new draft (and ensuring that they are accurate for the standards 
document) seems to be a better solution IMO.

Major issues:

Minor issues:
Downref to RFC 7206 - see above.

Missing definitions of "session id" and "communication session" - see above.