Re: how to contact the IETF

Alex Loret de Mola <> Tue, 10 February 2009 00:28 UTC

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Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2009 19:28:08 -0500
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Subject: Re: how to contact the IETF
From: Alex Loret de Mola <>
To: Noel Chiappa <>,
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Dear Noel:

Noel, there's no need to be cross.  The mail is filling up my inbox
the same as yours, there's no need to get upset with me about my
opinion on the matter.

I don't think we should assume that the people messaging here have
nothing of substance to contribute.  While it is likely true that some
don't have anything meaningful to add to the conversation, I doubt
that the entirety of the people who found out about the issue through
that channel are ignorant on the issues being discussed.

Are some uninformed?  Certainly.  Will those who stick around be
uninformed for long?  I would hope not.  Will they be able to
contribute meaningfully?  It depends on the individual.

But the big question... is it worthwhile for this mailing to take
place?  I feel that it has the potential to be, depending on how many
people stick around to contribute meaningfully on this and future
discussions.  While I hear your proposition that this isn't going to
happen, Noel, I don't think that should just be immediately assumed
merely based on the origins of where those coming in here first heard
about the issue.  That seems like a large net to cast.


Alex Loret de Mola
Lead Software Engineer, iScan Services

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 7:07 PM, Noel Chiappa <> wrote:
>    > From: Alex Loret de Mola <>
>    > However, these are people who are upset, and want to make thier
>    > opinions known... it is good to know (and see) that so many people are
>    > interested and have a strong opinion about this subject.
> Give me an effing break. These people have simply been programmed by the FSF
> to show up and complain. This is not individuals who have something of
> substance to contribute, it's just a chorus of sheep.
>        Noel