[EAI] NFC/NFD (Re: Test - driven schedule (Re: Rechartering))

Harald Alvestrand <harald@alvestrand.no> Fri, 24 July 2009 07:29 UTC

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Subject: [EAI] NFC/NFD (Re: Test - driven schedule (Re: Rechartering))
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Shawn Steele wrote:
>> That suggests that we should _at least_ recommend normalization
>> in the SMTP server (much as 5321 recommends case-insensitive
>> matching) and that we should think about requiring it.  But,
>> again, data would help.
> I think that's fairly irrelevent.  It won't break the RFCs for the rest of the system.  It'd only break servers that registered both NFC and NFD (or similar variations) of names.  Then they'd pretty much deserve to be broken :)
The more dangerous brokenness is the business card data entry situation, 
where people enter an address from a business card and get a "no such 
mailbox" response, without there being any visual difference between the 
two strings.

Requiring normalization at the server (without placing a requirement on 
what one normalizes to) would at least remove this class of issue.
> -Shawn