Re: [ipwave] IPWAVE WG will not meet in Singapore

Chris Shen <> Mon, 26 August 2019 05:12 UTC

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From: Chris Shen <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 14:12:07 +0900
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To: Russ Housley <>
Cc: its <>, Suresh Krishnan <>
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Subject: Re: [ipwave] IPWAVE WG will not meet in Singapore
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Hi Russ and Carlos,

I support Paul's suggestion.

As I know, in the last IETF meeting, multiple individuals expressed
interests to work on the potential topics. Actually they had side meetings
in the IETF to plan the future possible work items.

So far we have an IPWAVE neighbor discovery (ND) draft and a mobility
management (MM) draft that were discussed several times by many people in
the past IETF meetings. People who joined the discussions already had a
common foundation for the drafts and been preparing for the future work.
For example, previously the drafts considered both V2V and V2I scenarios,
but after the discussions with other people, now we agreed to move forward
with only V2I scenario first since the V2V case may bring a lot of
uncertain issues. Another example is that, in the ND draft, we are going to
simplify the messages types for a better understanding. All these
discussions had shown enough energy for the future work in IPWAVE.

The IPWAVE hackathons in the past several IETF meetings demonstrated the
basic IP WAVE protocols and some preliminary work of ND and MM. The IPWAVE
hackathon's work also joined the IETF Happy Hour section several times, in
those Happy Hour sections, many people watched our hackathon's demo and
showed some interests in these work.

I believe that continuing the potential work items and IPWAVE hackathon in
IPWAVE WG is beneficial and useful for the overall Internet. If we consider
the trend of automotive industry for the next 10 or 20 years, the work in
IPWAVE WG is placed much ahead of the current practice.


On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 12:22 AM Russ Housley <> wrote:

> We do not see the need for a meeting in Singapore.  We believe that mail
> list discussion is needed to wrap up the Problem Statement document.
> We observe that the energy in this WG is pretty low.  As a result, we are
> quite reluctant to re-charter to tackle new work items.  The Problem
> Statement document includes many potential topics, but without a great deal
> more energy, this WG does not seem to be the right place to tackle them.
> This means that the IPWAVE WG will be closed down once the current charter
> is complete unless the chairs and our AD see a significant increase in
> energy for one or more potential work items.  This will be measured by
> individual Internet-Draft posting and mail list discussion of them.
> Russ and Carlos
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Yiwen (Chris) Shen, Ph.D. Candidate

IoT Lab: * <>*
Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea