Re: [ipwave] IPWAVE WG will not meet in Singapore

"Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong" <> Sat, 24 August 2019 08:55 UTC

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From: "Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2019 17:55:13 +0900
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To: Russ Housley <>
Cc: its <>, Suresh Krishnan <>,
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Subject: Re: [ipwave] IPWAVE WG will not meet in Singapore
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Hi Russ and Carlos,
My SKKU team have been working for IPWAVE Neighbor Discovery for IETF-104
and IETF-105.
For IETF-106, my team are working for IPWAVE Mobility Management.
The IPWAVE Neighbor Discovery draft will be coauthored by my SKKU team
and Sandra Cespedes
for next revision.

The IPWAVE Mobility Management draft will be coauthored by my SKKU team
and Sri Gundavelli
for next revision.

For the IPWAVE PS draft, Charlie Perkins was supposed to confirm whether my
revision satisfies his
comments or not. For one month, there was no feedback from him.
It seems like he cannot afford to review it due to his personal issues.

I would like to ask you as IPWAVE WG chairs to be able to lead our group
more actively by
reviewing the PS draft and submitting it to the IESG through the WG last

After the completion of the IPWAVE PS draft, our group will be able to
discuss the rechartering and
new work items.

By the way, I met an engineer from the Hyundai automotive to discuss
IPWAVE-based applications
for vehicles. His team implemented a remote charging system control
protocol for electric vehicles
using IEEE 802.11n, and will use IEEE 802.11-OCB for this system.
His team are looking for use cases of IPWAVE protocols such as
context-aware navigator to show
neighbor vehicles and pedestrians.

If IPWAVE WG is closed, we will lose the opportunity to enable our IPWAVE
work items described in the PS draft
that are the near-future demands in automotive industry.

As my personal request, it will be great to have a short IPWAVE WG session
this Singapore meeting.


Best Regards,

On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 12:22 AM Russ Housley <> wrote:

> We do not see the need for a meeting in Singapore.  We believe that mail
> list discussion is needed to wrap up the Problem Statement document.
> We observe that the energy in this WG is pretty low.  As a result, we are
> quite reluctant to re-charter to tackle new work items.  The Problem
> Statement document includes many potential topics, but without a great deal
> more energy, this WG does not seem to be the right place to tackle them.
> This means that the IPWAVE WG will be closed down once the current charter
> is complete unless the chairs and our AD see a significant increase in
> energy for one or more potential work items.  This will be measured by
> individual Internet-Draft posting and mail list discussion of them.
> Russ and Carlos
> _______________________________________________
> its mailing list

Mr. Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Software
Sungkyunkwan University
Office: +82-31-299-4957
Personal Homepage: