[Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-sequence
Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@vpnc.org> Mon, 07 July 2014 20:57 UTC
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Greetings again. There is still disagreement in the WG about what the text separator should be for draft-ietf-json-text-sequence. The current draft, draft-ietf-json-text-sequence-04, specifies it as the LF character, and gives rationale for that decision in Section 2.2. Many people in the WG have expressed a preference for a different character, one that would not require any stripping from the normal whitespace that can exist inside the JSON text. There were many suggestions for such a different character; the one that seemed most favored was the ASCII record separator (RS) character, U+001e. In order to simplify the decision, I'd like to ask a few simple questions: - Do you feel that the protocol will be significantly broken if it uses LF as the text separator? - Do you feel that the protocol will be significantly broken if it uses RS as the text separator? - Do you feel that using LF or RF as the text separator is essentially the same for the protocol? Answers of "yes", "no", and "don't know" are most appreciated. Explanation of a "yes" and "no" are probably not helpful at this time because they are likely to cause the thread to go off into discussion of the explanation, not of the questions. Wearing my chair hat, I'm not sure how I will respond depending on different patterns in the results. Let's answer the questions and then see what we think it means. --Paul Hoffman
- [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-sequence Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Manger, James
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Tim Bray
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Martin J. Dürst
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… John Cowan
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Joe Hildebrand (jhildebr)
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Paul Hoffman
- [Json] LF and RS are equivalent (Re: The text in … Nico Williams
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Nico Williams
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Nico Williams
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Nico Williams
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Nico Williams
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… John Cowan
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Martin J. Dürst
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Nico Williams
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Nico Williams
- Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-seque… Nico Williams