Re: [Json] The text in draft-ietf-json-text-sequence

Paul Hoffman <> Mon, 14 July 2014 21:02 UTC

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[[ Another nudge on the topic. If no one else cares, that's fine, but I suspect there are people who have not answered the questions who have opinions. ]]

On Jul 7, 2014, at 1:57 PM, Paul Hoffman <> wrote:

> Greetings again. There is still disagreement in the WG about what the text separator should be for draft-ietf-json-text-sequence. The current draft, draft-ietf-json-text-sequence-04, specifies it as the LF character, and gives rationale for that decision in Section 2.2. Many people in the WG have expressed a preference for a different character, one that would not require any stripping from the normal whitespace that can exist inside the JSON text. There were many suggestions for such a different character; the one that seemed most favored was the ASCII record separator (RS) character, U+001e.
> In order to simplify the decision, I'd like to ask a few simple questions:
> - Do you feel that the protocol will be significantly broken if it uses LF as the text separator?
> - Do you feel that the protocol will be significantly broken if it uses RS as the text separator?
> - Do you feel that using LF or RF as the text separator is essentially the same for the protocol?
> Answers of "yes", "no", and "don't know" are most appreciated. Explanation of a "yes" and "no" are probably not helpful at this time because they are likely to cause the thread to go off into discussion of the explanation, not of the questions.
> Wearing my chair hat, I'm not sure how I will respond depending on different patterns in the results. Let's answer the questions and then see what we think it means.
> --Paul Hoffman