Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm - draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-08 Working Group Adoption Call
Huaimo Chen <> Fri, 22 May 2020 14:05 UTC
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From: Huaimo Chen <>
To: Gyan Mishra <>, "Acee Lindem (acee)" <>
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Thread-Topic: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm - draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-08 Working Group Adoption Call
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Subject: Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm - draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-08 Working Group Adoption Call
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Hi Gyan, Thanks much for your questions. My answers/explanations are inline below. Best Regards, Huaimo ________________________________ From: Gyan Mishra <> Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 10:13 PM To: Acee Lindem (acee) <> Cc: Huaimo Chen <>; <> Subject: Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm - draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-08 Working Group Adoption Call I think for both drafts it would be good to have a stick diagram at a minimum. [HC]: A diagram for illustrating the steps of the algorithm is in Appendix. I majored in EE with math minor and both drafts are hard to follow without a diagram with labels showing the exact topology examples. Four main topologies - full mesh, partial mesh and leaf spine ( 2 tier) and CLOS ( 3 tier) - real world scenario’s. >From the interim meeting was their a slide deck visual topology shared? [HC]: The set of slides presented in IETF 105 is attached. That would help.<> 4.1 Step 1 - Build Cq candidate queue For each node B on FT whose D is one (from minimum to maximum node ID), find a link L attached to B such that L's remote node R has minimum D and ID, add link L between B and R into FT and increase B's D and R's D by one. Return FT. My interpretation is the algorithm an iterative loop and starts with any node in the candidate list so could start from edge and work left to right or vice versa. For loop to build FT from Cq = with each node B with directly attached node R via link L. Increment node B from Cq until the FT is build for all nodes. Instead of starting with a wide diameter FT matching physical topology we start micro topology with D=1 and go node by node. [HC]: This (For each node B on FT .... Return FT.) is an iterative loop after every node is added to FT. This loop connects each node whose D = 1 (i.e., there is only one link attached to it on FT) to a node through a link on FT (i.e., add the link to FT) to make every node on FT to have its D > 1. Page 5 of the attached slides shows some details for this loop. 4.2 1. Finding and removing the first element with node A in Cq that is not on FT and one PH's D in PHs < MaxD and PH's D < PH's ConMaxD. If A is root R0, then add the element into FT otherwise (i.e., A != R0 with one PH's D in PHs < MaxD and PH's D < PH's ConMaxD. Assume that PH is the first one in PHs whose D < MaxD and PH's D < PH's ConMaxD), PH's D++, and add A with D = 1 and PHs = {PH} into FT. Note: if there is no element with a node in Cq satisfying the conditions, then algorithm may be restarted from R0, ++MaxD, Cq = {(R0,D=0,PHs = { })}, FT = { }; This is similar to 4.1 with micro topology with 2 directly connected nodes [HC]: It is similar to 1. in section 4.1.<> My interpretation of the algorithm from the verbiage. So this draft starts in the middle of the topology and is geared towards leaf spine 2 or 3 tier clos topology. For this one we build the bi graph so that could be leaf connected to two spines or spine connected to two leafs and iteratively build out the FT topology 3 node arch spine leaf spine or leaf spine leaf. Kind regards Gyan On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 7:01 PM Acee Lindem (acee) <<>> wrote: Hi Gyan, From: Gyan Mishra <<>> Date: Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 4:20 PM To: Acee Lindem <<>> Cc: Huaimo Chen <<>>, "<>" <<>> Subject: Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm - draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-08 Working Group Adoption Call Yes and I have started reviewing the LSR mail archives as I am late in the discussion for this. If you have link to any particular dates in the archives would be helpful. No – it was more an “evolution” than an “epiphany”. That sums up all the questions I have so if all answered in the archives then I am all set. I support the draft moving forward as flood reduction is a much needed feature. I think overall both drafts will really help large data centers with any overlay underlay vxlan spine leaf meshed CLOS highly meshed topology that scales out horizontally with a large spine footprint - this is a much much needed feature. This also helps eliminate complexity of the workaround of using BGP in the underlay which to me adds tremendous complexity. Here is the other recently presented dynamic flooding draft.<> You can see they both make use of the dynamic flooding infra in<> Thanks, Acee Kind regards Gyan On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 4:07 PM Acee Lindem (acee) <<>> wrote: Speaking as WG Co-chair: Hi Gyan, I guess you’ve joined this discussion late. It might be a good idea to review the LSR mailing list archives. From: Gyan Mishra <<>> Date: Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 1:51 PM To: Huaimo Chen <<>> Cc: Acee Lindem <<>>, "<>" <<>> Subject: Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm - draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-08 Working Group Adoption Call On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 11:01 AM Huaimo Chen <<>> wrote: Hi Gyan, Thanks much for your questions. Gyan> How does this draft compare to the WG LC draft for flood reduction. Would they be two eventual standard options in the operators toolbox or competing features for optimized flood reduction. Would having two flood reduction features standardized versus one default IGP flood reduction feature be confusing for operators. Just as it was confusing to me.<> [HC]: This draft plus the draft for flooding reduction can provide two modes of flooding reductions (i.e., centralized mode and distributed mode). The latter describes the two modes, but does not include any flooding topology computation algorithm for the distributed mode. The former proposes a flooding topology computation algorithm to be used in the distributed mode. Gyan> It maybe a good idea for both documents to reference each other as to how they play together or in some respects if any provide a homogeneous complete holistic solution for flooding problem being solved. It is a good idea to have this new draft reference the dynamic-flooding but not vice-versa. The existing dynamic flooding draft provides a framework for any dynamic flooding algorithm that provides a separate flooding topology. This algorithm is just the first to be formally proposed in a draft. Note that another algorithm was presented during the LSR virtual interim which replaced IETF 107. In my opinion it may not be a bad idea even to combine both drafts so the solution is complete and holistic. This will also make the overall specification flow nicely. No – we’re not going to do this. Thanks, Acee I know that efforts were made by LSR to have a common IGP solution, however there are many inherent differences between ISIS and OSPF that from IGP Link state protocol perspective you can treat like apples to apples but really it’s apples and oranges. Maybe it might we wise to have separate draft for both and have references linking together as the same algorithm concept and mathematically however the actual code implementation would vary as the LSDB link state data structures are completely different. Later = Dynamic flooding = 2 modes Centralized leader based and distributed<> This later draft per section excerpt provides both centralized and distributed algorithm see below 6.4<>. Area Leader Responsibilities If the Area Leader operates in centralized mode, it MUST advertise algorithm 0 in its Area Leader Sub-TLV. In order for Dynamic Flooding to be enabled it also MUST compute and advertise a flooding topology for the area. The Area Leader may update the flooding topology at any time, however, it should not destabilize the network with undue or overly frequent topology changes. If the Area Leader operates in centralized mode and needs to advertise a new flooding topology, it floods the new flooding topology on both the new and old flooding topologies. If the Area Leader operates in distributed mode, it MUST advertise a non-zero algorithm in its Area Leader Sub-TLV. When the Area Leader advertises algorithm 0 in its Area Leader Sub- TLV and does not advertise a flooding topology, Dynamic Flooding is disabled for the area. Note this applies whether the Area Leader intends to operate in centralized mode or in distributed mode. Note that once Dynamic Flooding is enabled, disabling it risks destabilizing the network. 6.5<>. Distributed Flooding Topology Calculation If the Area Leader advertises a non-zero algorithm in its Area Leader Sub-TLV, all nodes in the area that support Dynamic Flooding and the value of algorithm advertised by the Area Leader MUST compute the flooding topology based on the Area Leader's advertised algorithm. Nodes that do not support the value of algorithm advertised by the Area Leader MUST continue to use standard flooding mechanism as defined by the protocol. Nodes that do not support the value of algorithm advertised by the Area Leader MUST be considered as Dynamic Flooding incapable nodes by the Area Leader. If the value of the algorithm advertised by the Area Leader is from the range 128-254 (private distributed algorithms), it is the responsibility of the network operator to guarantee that all nodes in the area have a common understanding of what the given algorithm value represents. Former = WG LC<> Provides algorithm for distributed mode for this draft as well as the algorithm to be used for distributed mode later dynamic flooding draft Separate question- In light of the flooding algorithm and seeing that at the bottom of section 6.5 mentions flooding algorithm are the IANA codepoints reserved for flooding unique and non overlapping with the flex algo codepoints I believe 0-127. I would think the flooding algorithm range of values is completely separate since a different function then flex algo values.<> Best Regards, Huaimo ________________________________ From: Gyan Mishra <<>> Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 10:36 AM To: Huaimo Chen <<>> Cc: Acee Lindem (acee) <<>>;<> <<>> Subject: Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm - draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-08 Working Group Adoption Call On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 11:59 PM Huaimo Chen <<>> wrote: Hi Gyan, Thanks much for your questions. My answers are inline below with [HC]. Best Regards, Huaimo ________________________________ From: Gyan Mishra <<>> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 11:14 AM To: Huaimo Chen <<>> Cc: Acee Lindem (acee) <<>>;<> <<>> Subject: Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm - draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-08 Working Group Adoption Call Huaimo This is a much needed feature that operators have been needing for densely meshed topologies that commonly exist in data centers to accommodate very high bandwidth E-W traffic. [HC]: Thank you very much. Below is link from Cisco which has introduced feature for dynamic flooding in clos high density ECMP data center topologies. Please look at the feature description and it does seem to be exactly the same as this draft. Please confirm. [HC]: It seems different. There maybe other vendors due to industry demand have to get the feature deployed before it reaches standards vendor consensus with the IETF.<> We are testing this feature and planning to deploy but wanted to ensure that this is the same as the draft on the standards track. [HC]: The feature appears implemented draft "Dynamic Flooding on Dense Graphs", which does not include any flooding topology computation algorithm.. Gyan> How does this draft compare to the WG LC draft for flood reduction. Would they be two eventual standard options in the operators toolbox or competing features for optimized flood reduction. Would having two flood reduction features standardized versus one default IGP flood reduction feature be confusing for operators. Just as it was confusing to me.<> Kind regards Gyan On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 11:52 PM Huaimo Chen <<>> wrote: Hi Gyan, Thank you very much for your questions and support. This Flooding Topology Computation algorithm can be used in the Dynamic Flooding on Dense Graphs to compute the flooding topologies for the data center clos dense meshed topologies with many ECMP paths. It can be used by the area leader in the centralized mode to compute the flooding topology. Best Regards, Huaimo ________________________________ From: Lsr <<>> on behalf of Gyan Mishra <<>> Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 2:39 AM To: Yanhe Fan <<>> Cc:<> <<>>; Acee Lindem (acee) <<>> Subject: Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm - draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-08 Working Group Adoption Call I support WG adoption and have a few questions related to the draft. Does this flooding algorithm use the dynamic flooding algorithm used in data center clos dense meshed topologies with many ECMP paths where the flood is decoupled from the physical topology. In the dynamic flooding algorithm mentioned in centralized mode the flooding is computed by the area leader and distributed to all nodes. In distributed mode each mode the area leader determines the algorithm and then each node computes the flooding topology based on the algorithm. This dynamic algorithm for optimized flood reduction would reduce the amount of redundant flooding in highly densely meshed ospf or Isis topologies. So this optimization of flooding would improving overall link state routing protocol convergence. Gyan On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 3:37 PM Yanhe Fan <<>> wrote: Support it as a co-author. Thanks, Yanhe From: Lsr <<>> On Behalf Of Acee Lindem (acee) Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 3:40 PM To:<> Subject: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm - draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-08 Working Group Adoption Call This begins a 3 week (due to holidays) WG adoption call for the “Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm” draft. Please issue your support or objection to this list by 11:59 PM, UTC on June 5th, 2020. Here is a URL for your convenience.<> Thanks, Acee _______________________________________________ Lsr mailing list<><> -- Error! Filename not specified.<> Gyan <> Mishra <>Network Solutions Architect M 301 502-1347 13101 Columbia Pike<> Silver Spring, MD<> -- Error! Filename not specified.<> Gyan Mishra Network Solutions Architect M 301 502-1347 <>13101 Columbia Pike<> Silver Spring, MD<> -- Error! Filename not specified.<> Gyan Mishra Network Solutions Architect M 301 502-1347 13101 Columbia Pike<> Silver Spring, MD<> <> -- Error! Filename not specified.<> Gyan Mishra Network Solutions Architect M 301 502-1347 13101 Columbia Pike<> Silver Spring, MD<> <> -- [Image removed by sender.]<> Gyan Mishra Network Solutions Architect M 301 502-1347 13101 Columbia Pike<> Silver Spring, MD<> <> -- []<> Gyan Mishra Network Solutions Architect M 301 502-1347 13101 Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MD
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Sarah Chen
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm - d… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huaimo Chen
- [Lsr] 答复: Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Aijun Wang
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Qin Wu
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Yanhe Fan
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Linda Dunbar
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huaimo Chen
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… LEI LIU
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm…
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huaimo Chen
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Xufeng Liu
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huaimo Chen
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huaimo Chen
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huaimo Chen
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm…
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm…
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huaimo Chen
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huaimo Chen
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huaimo Chen
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Toy, Mehmet
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm…
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huzhibo
- [Lsr] 答复: Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Dailongfei (Larry, IP Research)
- [Lsr] Fw: 答复: Flooding Topology Computation Algor… ruoxin huang
- Re: [Lsr] Fw: 答复: Flooding Topology Computation A… reta Yang
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Gengxuesong (Geng Xuesong)
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huaimo Chen
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Yi Yang
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Kiran Makhijani
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Yingzhen Qu
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm…
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Yingzhen Qu
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huaimo Chen
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Huaimo Chen
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Lsr] Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm… Acee Lindem (acee)