[rtcweb] Call for adoption of draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-gateways

"Cullen Jennings (fluffy)" <fluffy@cisco.com> Thu, 04 December 2014 19:30 UTC

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From: "Cullen Jennings (fluffy)" <fluffy@cisco.com>
To: "rtcweb@ietf.org" <rtcweb@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Call for adoption of draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-gateways
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Having reviewed the fine technical comments on this draft since we asked for comments, the chairs have noted that multiple people seem to have read the draft. Given this great news we are going make a call for adoption. 

If you have an opinion, please email the list by Dec 19 and let us know if you either:

A) yes, draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-gateways should be adopted as a WG document now

B) no, not right now 

If we get consensus around A we will work with ADs on milestone. Otherwise we will encourage the authors to keep working on this draft and continue using this email list. We may adopt it later or include the text in other drafts. 

The Chairs (Cullen, Sean, Ted)

PS - if you want to send an email that says more than A or B, feel free to change the subject, start a new thread etc.