Re: [rtcweb] SDP_PRANSWER followed by SDP_OFFER scenario in JSEP

"Nataraju A.B" <> Tue, 01 May 2012 16:12 UTC

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Subject: Re: [rtcweb] SDP_PRANSWER followed by SDP_OFFER scenario in JSEP
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The original scenario mentioned by Partha is quite logical and acceptable,
since there is only one O/A open all the times.

If not handled properly, this additional UPDATE (with OFFER2) during the
lifetime of INVITE transaction lead to ambiguities. Hence rfc6337, don't
support this as a valid O/A.

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 7:27 PM, Ejzak, Richard P (Richard) <> wrote:

>  Hi Justin, Partha,****
> The call flow from Partha is a very reasonable one in the presence of SIP
> forking.  Let’s assume that a first target responded with an SDP answer in
> a 183 that must be treated as a PRANSWER since other targets have not yet
> had a chance to respond.  Then the first target sends an UPDATE with offer2.
> ****
> ** **
> As far as SIP is concerned, there is no such thing as a PRANSWER.  The
> first target already responded with an SDP ANSWER and wants to UPDATE with
> a new offer.  This is perfectly legitimate and common SIP usage.  PRANSWER
> is a local construct that should be usable by the application to support
> more complex offer/answer cases like forking.****
> ** **
> You must respond to this offer by cloning the peer connection, closing the
> clone with an ANSWER identical to the previous PRANSWER and then applying
> offer2 to the clone (or just applying the offer2 directly with the
> understanding that the previous transaction is closed).  The original peer
> connection must revert to the original OFFER state to allow for other
> targets to respond.****
> ** **
> Alternately, the original peer connection can support the first target and
> a new clone created if there is the potential for other forked responses to
> the original offer.  Either way can be made to work.****
> ** **
> This is a perfectly reasonable SIP use case that explains why we need to
> be able to clone the peer connection.****
> ** **
> Richard****
> ** **
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *Justin Uberti
> *Sent:* Monday, April 30, 2012 9:51 PM
> *To:* Nataraju A.B
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [rtcweb] SDP_PRANSWER followed by SDP_OFFER scenario in
> JSEP****
> ** **
> Yes, I was under the impression that SIP enforced this requirement,
> although I am probably not aware of all the corner cases. Is there a
> real-world scenario where this flow is required?****
> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Nataraju A.B <>
> wrote:****
> If the scenario considered is without reliable provisional responses. Then
> the first ANSWER must be in 200-INV and no more O/A allowed during
> INVITE(initial) transaction.****
> ** **
> Basic requirement for reliable and unambiguous O/A is -* At any point in
> time there could be only one O/A open. *****
> ** **
> Also only one O/A suggested during INVITE(initial) transaction.****
> ** **
> For reference, rfc6337, list outs different O/A models...****
> ** **
> <rfc6337>****
> ** **
> ** **
>             Offer                Answer             RFC    Ini Est Early****
>      -------------------------------------------------------------------****
>      1. INVITE Req.          2xx INVITE Resp.     RFC 3261  Y   Y    N****
>      2. 2xx INVITE Resp.     ACK Req.             RFC 3261  Y   Y    N****
>      3. INVITE Req.          1xx-rel INVITE Resp. RFC 3262  Y   Y    N****
>      4. 1xx-rel INVITE Resp. PRACK Req.           RFC 3262  Y   Y    N****
>      5. PRACK Req.           200 PRACK Resp.      RFC 3262  N   Y    Y****
>      6. UPDATE Req.          2xx UPDATE Resp.     RFC 3311  N   Y    Y****
> ** **
>           Table 1: Summary of SIP Usage of the Offer/Answer Model ****
>  </rfc6337>****
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> Nataraju A B****
> ** **
> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Ravindran, Parthasarathi <
>> wrote:****
>  Justin/Cullen,
> Could you please explain in case for an SDP_OFFER(1), the remote entity
> replies with SDP_PRANSWER followed by new SDP_OFFER (2) what is the
> expected behavior. The exact callflow is as follows:
> Browser1-------------------------Browser2(SIP-JSEP gateway)
>    |        SDP_OFFER(1)            |  INV with offer1
>    |------------------------------->|--->
>    |       SDP_PRANSWER(1)          |  183 with answer1
>    |<-------------------------------|<---
>    |       SDP_OFFER(2)             |   UPDATE with offer2
>    |<-------------------------------|<---
>    |       SDP_ANSWER(2?)           |
>    |--------------------->?
> The reason for this O/A callflow is due to UPDATE method (RFC 3311)
> mapping in Browser 2 (SIP-JSEP gateway).
> Thanks
> Partha
> PS: For simplicity, PRACK message exchange is not chosen in SIP side.
> ****
> _______________________________________________
> rtcweb mailing list
> ****
> ** **
> --
> Thanks,****
> Nataraju A.B.****
> ** **
> ** **

Nataraju A.B.