Re: [Sidrops] Reason for Outage report (was: Re: ARIN RPKI Service Impact - 12 August 2020 - manifest issue - resolved)

Mikael Abrahamsson <> Thu, 27 August 2020 12:30 UTC

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Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 14:30:13 +0200
From: Mikael Abrahamsson <>
To: Martin Hoffmann <>
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Subject: Re: [Sidrops] Reason for Outage report (was: Re: ARIN RPKI Service Impact - 12 August 2020 - manifest issue - resolved)
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On Wed, 26 Aug 2020, Martin Hoffmann wrote:

> To the best of my knowledge, Routinator and the RIPE NCC RPKI Validator 
> handle manifests according to the specifications laid out in the 
> relevant standards track IETF documents. I assume that you are referring 
> to your assessment that all objects published by a CA should be 
> discarded if any inconsistencies are discovered. While such behaviour is 
> certainly acceptable under the current specification, not doing so does 
> not constitute incorrect handling of manifests.

At this point in time, everybody I am aware of who are implementing RPKI 
in the routing system are doing invalid=drop, and nothing else.

The overall goal right now is to make sure the ROA is correctly validated, 
all the way. If a ROA is gone, it doesn't cause an outage. It causes lack 
of protection. It's not a competition which validator can validate the 
most ROAs, the competition should be to get things *right*.

If something doesn't validate correctly, drop it. Drop all it depends on. 
If all ROAs from a RIR are gone for an hour or a day, it's not the end of 
the world. It's not an outage.

We need to make sure the entire ecosystem gets things right, correct, and 
have procedures in place to do things right, all the time. Other parts of 
the Internet ecosystem had teething problems in the beginning, but they 
worked it out. RPKI ecosystem needs to do the same.

The goal of the validator should be to validate. It should be picky. It 
should throw things away that doesn't look right. You're advocating for 
something else, and I don't understand why.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: