Re: WGLC for draft-ietf-tsvwg-sctpsocket-26 started

"Becke, Martin" <> Sat, 26 February 2011 19:39 UTC

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Subject: Re: WGLC for draft-ietf-tsvwg-sctpsocket-26 started
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Hello all,

IMO the Socket API document is important, needed and should be progressed.
I have implemented parts of the described API as co-author of the measurement tool netperfmeter and currently in a new library for video data transfer with a special focus on the Multi-Homing capability.

IMO this draft is ready for the next step....

However, here some minor Issues:

Section 3.2:

- Note that this can also be done using the sctp_send() call described in Section 9.10.

Perhaps it could also be noted that this is deprecated...

Section 3.3 
The fact that a one-to-many style socket can provide access to many  SCTP associations through a single socket descriptor has important implications for both application programmers and system programmers implementing this API.

This is hard to read.
I think a comma is missing...

If the reader stops reading, the sender queues messages in the socket layer until it uses all of its socket buffer space allocation creating a "stalled connection".  
For my feeling there is a word or separator missing...

Section 4.18 

The semantics is similar to those used in the one-to-many style (see Section 3.1.3),

should be Section 3.1.4

Section 5.1
In the msghdr structure, the usage of msg_name has been discussed in  previous sections (see Section 3.1.3 and Section 4.1.8).

Found no discussion in 3.1.3 -> I think that is the same as above

Section 5.3.9 and 5.3.10

What is  send_msg() in this context? Is this a typo?

Section 6.2.1

An example where an application would like to receive data io events and association events but no others would be as follows:
IMO there should be a comma after data...

Section 7.1

len:  the size of the message or the size of the buffer.

to:  one of the peer addresses of the association to be used to send the message.

Upper Case

Section 7.5

(see Section 3.1.3).
should be (see Section 3.1.4).

Section (8.2)

see Section 8.1.2 on spp_pathmaxrxt)

should be
...see Section 8.1.12 on spp_pathmaxrxt)

Section 8.14
Posix -> POSIX 

Section 8.1.12
Just a naming, but a would expect spp_pathmaxrtx (rtx)

Section 8.1.20


-> IMO using plural of sctp_data_io_event  is not needed. 

Section 8.1.27
At most one socket being bound to  the same port may be listening.
Mmmh..I'm not sure what is behind this

Section 8.3.1

The order of the explanation of sspp_addr and  sspp_assoc_id should be switched

Section 8.3.2

Add a Chunk That Must Be Authenticated (SCTP_AUTH_CHUNK)

I'm not sure if this is the correct usage of upper and lower case.... (that must be)

Section 9.11
  addrs:  is an array of addresses.
  addrs:  Is an array of addresses.

I would switch the order of sctp_recvv() and sctp_sendv().
Most the used pattern is send/recv-like
Check the draft for  association id and   association ID.
The usage is not consistent.

Best regards

 Martin Becke

 University of Duisburg-Essen,                   Room 308a
 Inst. for Experimental Mathematics              Ellernstraße 29
 Computer Networking Technology Group            D-45326 Essen/Germany
 Phone :     +49-201-183-7667

On Dienstag 08 Februar 2011, James M. Polk wrote:
> I am starting the WGLC for
> "Sockets API Extensions for Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)"
> this is a 2 week WGLC, ending February 22nd, 2011 or when the chairs 
> feel the WG has reviewed the draft and reached consensus to progress 
> towards the ADs with the goal of becoming a proposed standard (PS) RFC.
> The chairs require substantive feedback from the WG regarding this 
> draft before consensus can be called.