Re: [lisp] draft-farinacci-lisp-crypto-01 - Call for WG Adoption

Dino Farinacci <> Fri, 05 December 2014 17:36 UTC

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Subject: Re: [lisp] draft-farinacci-lisp-crypto-01 - Call for WG Adoption
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> Hi Dino,
> I have no problems with the control plane part. An encap with multiprotocol support would allow to do IPsec encap before LISP encap, and could be used with the unauthenticated DH mechanism that you propose.

Well draft-farinacci-lisp-crypto-01 with LISP-SEC can give you an authenticated DH mechanism as well.

> I do really think that the LISP WG should not miss the encap debate, and drive the transition to a format that 

Well I think we should monitor it but also not get distracted by it. 

The LISP WG has a control-plane that others may use. We should create laser focus on control-plane features and scale. The latter being most important.

> lends itself to the various use cases that are being envisioned (and that IMO should become the main focus of the WG asap). There's quite a broad support behind VXLAN-GPE, and LISP-GPE is an opportunity for LISP to 

There is broad support among other data center encapsulations as well. The point is being focused mostly on data center and not holistically.

> capitalize on that support and maintain some backward compatibility with the current LISP encap and features.

The marketplace is confused about overlays right now in the data center. It is the vendors that are confusing matters by having (1) so many data-planes that can't interoperate in a multi-vendor network, and (2) coupled with separate and vertical control-planes that also don't interoperate with each other.

The risk is that operators may give up on overlays because the vendor community is all over the place. Or simply just roll their own with properitary SDN controller solutions.
