Re: [lisp] [EXTENDED] draft-saucez-lisp-impact-07 - Call for WG Adoption

Lori Jakab <> Tue, 30 December 2014 21:43 UTC

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I support option #1.


On 12/22/2014 05:12 PM, Joel M. Halpern wrote:
> To amplify Luigi's comment, we have several choices:
> 1) We can use this document as the basis for the working group action to
> address the milestone.
> 2) We can use something else as a basis for working group action to
> address the milestone.
> 3) We can go fight about whether this matters because we don't want to
> do this.
> If you like option (1), tell us you want the document adopted.
> If you like option (2), please say so and give us some idea of what
> "different" looks like.  Best if you offer to provide a draft by a date,
> but even just a paragraph or two on what "different" is would help us
> understand your opposition.
> If you like (3), please explain.  That path seems likely to waste more
> time than producing a good document.  Particularly since we have what
> looks to the chairs like a very good start on this deliverable.
> Speak up, please.
> Yours,
> Joel
> On 12/22/14 10:08 AM, Luigi Iannone wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> the two weeks have elapsed since the beginning of the WG Adoption Call
>>   for draft-saucez-lisp-impact-07.
>> There was actually very little reaction on this call.
>> Silence does not help to make a decision, one way or another.
>> Recall that our charter explicitly state that we will work on "A
>> description of the impacts of LISP”.
>> The WG Adoption Call is extended for another two weeks (until 5th
>> January 2015).
>> Please take this opportunity to express your opinion on this document.
>> Thanks
>> Luigi & Joel
>>> On 04 Dec 2014, at 12:27, Luigi Iannone <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> During the 91st IETF authors of the draft-saucez-lisp-impact-07
>>> []
>>> asked for WG adoption. Meeting participants expressed consensus on
>>> adoption.
>>> This message begins the two weeks call for WG adoption to confirm the
>>> meeting outcome.
>>> The call ends on  December 19th 2014.
>>> Please respond to the LISP mailing list with any statements of
>>> approval or disapproval.
>>> Recall that:
>>> - This is not WG Last Call. The document is not final, and the WG is
>>> expected to
>>>   modify the document’s content until there is WG consensus that the
>>> content is solid.
>>>   Therefore, please don’t oppose adoption just because you want to see
>>> changes to its content.
>>> - If you have objections to adoption of the document, please state
>>> your reasons why,
>>>   and explain what it would take to address your concerns.
>>> - If you have issues with the content, by all means raise those issues
>>> and we can
>>>   begin a dialog about how best to address them.
>>> Luigi and Joel
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