[ogpx] Fwd: Re: Feedback to draft-hamrick-vwrap-authentication-00.txt
Meadhbh Hamrick <ohmeadhbh@gmail.com> Sun, 07 March 2010 02:44 UTC
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From: Meadhbh Hamrick <ohmeadhbh@gmail.com>
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Subject: [ogpx] Fwd: Re: Feedback to draft-hamrick-vwrap-authentication-00.txt
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Sorry. Yes, this was supposed to go to the list. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Meadhbh Hamrick" <ohmeadhbh@gmail.com> Date: Mar 6, 2010 8:18 AM Subject: Re: [ogpx] Feedback to draft-hamrick-vwrap-authentication-00.txt To: "Carlo Wood" <carlo@alinoe.com> hey carlo. i think the intent was that names (first, last and account) were to be LLSD strings, which are defined in the LLSD / LLIDL draft. at a first order of approximation, this means they can consist of any unicode code point (note that this is not precisely true. refer to the type system draft for more info.) the rationale behind using a first and last name is to support existing systems like Second Life and OpenSimulator, both of which still consume first/last/password in the login sequence. the auth draft includes an option to log in using an "account" identifier. i think the idea here is that implementers that currently expect a first/last/pass that want to use VWRAP to transport the authentication info would use the agent identifier while implementers that wanted to use a different ID ( like email address ) would use the account identifier. so they're there for two different use cases. agent id is for legacy systems (and for people who just want to continue using first/last/pass) and account id is for future implementations that may want to use a single id. that these two points weren't obvious probably points to a need to add some verbiage in the draft discussing the motivation for account vs. agent identifiers, and to mention (at least in passing) that identifiers are strings as defined in the type-system draft. thx for bringing this up, carlo. -cheers -meadhbh -- meadhbh hamrick * it's pronounced "maeve" @OhMeadhbh * http://meadhbh.org/ * OhMeadhbh@gmail.com On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 6:26 AM, Carlo Wood <carlo@alinoe.com> wrote: > 2.3.1. Agent Identifier >...
- [ogpx] Feedback to draft-hamrick-vwrap-authentica… Carlo Wood
- Re: [ogpx] Feedback to draft-hamrick-vwrap-authen… Morgaine
- Re: [ogpx] Feedback to draft-hamrick-vwrap-authen… Carlo Wood
- [ogpx] Fwd: Re: Feedback to draft-hamrick-vwrap-a… Meadhbh Hamrick
- Re: [ogpx] Feedback to draft-hamrick-vwrap-authen… Morgaine
- Re: [ogpx] Feedback to draft-hamrick-vwrap-authen… Carlo Wood
- Re: [ogpx] Feedback to draft-hamrick-vwrap-authen… Morgaine
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- [ogpx] Names, Identity and Protocol elements David W Levine
- Re: [ogpx] Names, Identity and Protocol elements Morgaine