[ogpx] Draft work on Foundation and Type System

Mark Lentczner <markl@lindenlab.com> Mon, 01 March 2010 18:42 UTC

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I'll be working on another revision to the Foundation and Type System drafts this week.

I see the following issues that I'll be taking on:

1) Type System: Missing comment syntax -- I'll add it

2) Type System: Binding to HTTP -- My approach will be to reword this so that LLSD could be serialized to other systems, and LLIDL described services could easily be bound to other transports. However, the abstract model that they from is very REST like, and REST as embodied by HTTP. So, for example, the existence of a small number of transport "verbs" is assumed, whereas the availability of headers is not. I do think, like Josh, that since the vast bulk of use is indeed over HTTP, that splitting into multiple documents doesn't serve at this point. Remember: Future drafts are perfectly capable of referencing only parts of other drafts.

3) Foundations: Continued word smithing.

	- Mark Lentczner

Mark Lentczner
Sr. Systems Architect
Technology Integration
Linden Lab


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