Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for transmitting CIDs (#1826)

Dmitri Tikhonov <> Tue, 02 October 2018 20:30 UTC

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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for transmitting CIDs (#1826)
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> I proposed something very similar (use a special stream)...

To elaborate on my thinking about this.

In my mind, using an actual stream (with STREAM and MAX_STREAM_DATA frames) eliminates the need for new frame types.  Imagine a special flow-controlled CID stream.  For simplicity, assume CIDs are 8 bytes long.  If the flow control window is 64 bytes, writing 32 bytes to the stream (4 CIDs) will trigger a MAX_STREAM_DATA from the peer.  This is the signal to write more CIDs to the stream.  If the peer is not consuming the CIDs, MAX_STREAM_DATA is not sent and no CIDs are emitted.

The original objections to this was that the transport layer does not *own* the streams.  I don't know how to respond to this.  It seems that adding new frame types and protocol-like specifications around them for every new thing that we think to add to QUIC is not the most pragmatic thing to do.  Take the CRYPTO frames, for example: chances are, they are just wrappers on the stream mechanism anyway.

Perhaps a stream-based CID mechanism could be made into an extension which would use a new type of unidirectional stream for this purpose.

On the other hand, it seems we're going around in circles -- redesigning the design of the Design Team...

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