Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for transmitting CIDs (#1826)
Kazuho Oku <> Tue, 02 October 2018 19:29 UTC
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for transmitting CIDs (#1826)
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@marten-seemann @mikkelfj The proposed encoding of "CID stream" is exactly the same as that of the "CRYPTO stream". Why cannot you reuse that the same way you would reuse an actual QUIC stream? >> Not carrying NEW_CID and RETIRE_CID as a "message" on top of "streams" also means that you would have a retransmission logic specific to those frames. > > Why is that? They'd just be normal retransmittable frames, wouldn't they? IIUC, there are two ways to send states. One is to retransmit frames. The other is to transmit the current state when necessary. For stacks that implement the latter approach, NEW_CID and RETIRE_CID will be a special-purpose logic. I am not saying that it is hard. But "retransmission of frames" is not all the stacks have as a concept. -- You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:
- [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for transmitt… Kazuho Oku
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Nick Banks
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Dmitri Tikhonov
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Kazuho Oku
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Dmitri Tikhonov
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Marten Seemann
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Kazuho Oku
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Marten Seemann
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… MikkelFJ
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Kazuho Oku
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… MikkelFJ
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… MikkelFJ
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Kazuho Oku
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Nick Banks
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… MikkelFJ
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Kazuho Oku
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Dmitri Tikhonov
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Marten Seemann
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Dmitri Tikhonov
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Marten Seemann
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Mike Bishop
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Kazuho Oku
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Mike Bishop
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Kazuho Oku
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… Kazuho Oku
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… janaiyengar
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Use a "stream" for trans… janaiyengar