Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Merge Crypto timeout and PTO (#2806)

MikkelFJ <> Wed, 19 June 2019 08:07 UTC

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From: MikkelFJ <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Merge Crypto timeout and PTO (#2806)
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mikkelfj commented on this pull request.

> +set to twice the initial RTT.
+Resumed connections over the same network SHOULD use the previous connection's
+final smoothed RTT value as the resumed connection's initial RTT.  If no
+previous RTT is available, or if the network changes, the initial RTT SHOULD
+be set to 500ms, resulting in a 1 second initial timeout as recommended in
+A connection MAY use the delay between sending a PATH_CHALLENGE and receiving
+a PATH_RESPONSE to seed initial_rtt for a new path, but the delay SHOULD NOT
+be considered an RTT sample.
+Until the server has validated the client's address on the path, the amount of
+data it can send is limited, as specified in Section 8.1 of {{QUIC-TRANSPORT}}.
+If not all unacknowledged CRYPTO data can be sent, then all unacknowledged
+CRYPTO data sent in Initial packets should be retransmitted.  If no data can be

CRYPTO data sent in Initial packets should be retransmitted if possible.  If no data can be

> +Resumed connections over the same network SHOULD use the previous connection's
+final smoothed RTT value as the resumed connection's initial RTT.  If no
+previous RTT is available, or if the network changes, the initial RTT SHOULD
+be set to 500ms, resulting in a 1 second initial timeout as recommended in
+A connection MAY use the delay between sending a PATH_CHALLENGE and receiving
+a PATH_RESPONSE to seed initial_rtt for a new path, but the delay SHOULD NOT
+be considered an RTT sample.
+Until the server has validated the client's address on the path, the amount of
+data it can send is limited, as specified in Section 8.1 of {{QUIC-TRANSPORT}}.
+If not all unacknowledged CRYPTO data can be sent, then all unacknowledged
+CRYPTO data sent in Initial packets should be retransmitted.  If no data can be
+sent, then no alarm should be armed until data has been received from the

How about idle timeout / connection abort?

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