Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN/ACK payloads
"Adam Langley" <> Mon, 04 August 2008 17:52 UTC
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Subject: Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN/ACK payloads
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On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 9:56 PM, Anantha Ramaiah (ananth) <> wrote: > - fix the sentence : "we should how this has...." Thanks! will do. > - you mention "cryptographic applications" would benefit with this > proposal, and give example of SSH in your draft. It would be really > interesting to know how many very commonly used TCP applications would > really benefit with this ? Atleast the draft can mention those.. Will do with the next draft. > - with the SSH example which you give, it appears that one of the > advantages of this proposal is that you can tear down the connection > before the connection moves to ESTAB if the authentication fails? (For > eg:- some implementations don't create a full blown TCB before TWHS > completes) Indeed. Although I believe that a (short lived) TCB would actually be created in this case for current, common stacks, that's an implementation limit. It would be possible, with the authentication that I sketched, for neither end to create a TCB if the server's public value didn't match. > - Can you elaborate on the flags option? It simply mentions that the > meaning of this would be assigned by IANA? Again this is not infinite > (2+n, n is finite) since it should be bounded by the TCP header length > inclusive of options? The flags option was designed to allow future flag options to be assigned bits, rather than option numbers. Consider that, if SACK permitted has been designed this way, then this proposed option wouldn't need any extra options space, it could just take a bit in an option that it already ubiquitous. However, it might well be the case that I should just stick to a standard, 2 byte, option for this. > - the doc says (section 3 ) "host MUST not include data payload in > SYN+ACK resulting from a SYN frame without SYNACK payload permitted" > But RFC 793 does permit data in SYN which includes SYN+ACK, so this > statement raises a new level of ambiguity. Thanks. Joe pointed out this ambiguity also. It will be fixed in the next draft by echoing the option in the SYNACK. > Section 4: > > You mention 64 bytes of payload is enough to include sufficient crypto > material. Just wondering the interoperability of this statement with TCP > auth (TCP MD5 and TCP AO for example) The method for upgrading a normal connection to TCP AO is currently not specified, although there has been discussion of it. In my current, very rough, patches there's an option that I'm calling LATCH that allows a connection to upgrade to TCP AO. Also, I have userspace software that uses SYNACK payloads and LATCH to establish a connection and upgrade to TCP AO using the agreed key (and no additional round trips). Fundamentally, however, these drafts are independent. > What about Kamikaze like packets ? where SYN, FIN are set the > applications can send data and also set the FIN bit in the oriinal SYN > (Not sure if 793 talks about it but Stevens book does mention it and so > as BSD implementatiosns which support this type of packets) Would those > still work within your proposal? I would have to investigate how the BSD stacks handle this. Linux would ack only the SYN flag, to the other host would have to retransmit any data and the FIN anyway. BSD stacks, I hope, would not deliver data to userspace with an unauthenticated source IP address, so may do the same. But it isn't incompatible with my scheme. The SYNACK payload, if configured, would be sent as part of the data stream. > Also, the applications need to change to make use of this proposal (the > HTTP example which you mention below) In other words, it would be nice > if you can explain the "opportunistic encryption" scheme and how > applications (which all) can benefit from your proposal in more detail > in the draft. Since several people have suggested this, I certain shall in the next draft (which should be in the next couple of days) Thanks for your comments. AGL -- Adam Langley _______________________________________________ tcpm mailing list
- [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN/ACK… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Lloyd Wood
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Michael Scharf
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN/ACK… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Murali Bashyam
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Matt Mathis
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Anantha Ramaiah (ananth)
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Stefanos Harhalakis
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Stefanos Harhalakis
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Adam Langley
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Stefanos Harhalakis
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Stefanos Harhalakis
- Re: [tcpm] Faster application handshakes with SYN… Joe Touch