Re: [apps-discuss] Webfinger

"Mykyta Yevstifeyev (М. Євстіфеєв)" <> Sat, 03 December 2011 05:37 UTC

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The "Author's Addresses" section is not ironic but just an unfilled 
template in XML source, I guess.  Moreover, Webfinger as well as 
original finger are supposed to be means of retrieving information which 
is publicly available, and this is decided by the owner of such 
information.  "If you don't like it, don't use it" principle is very 
relevant here, and I don't see reasons to argue.

Mykyta Yevstifeyev

24.11.2011 5:34, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> * Paul E. Jones wrote:
> There:
>     Suppose you meet somebody at a party and they provide you with their
>     email address.  After the party, you decide to visit your new
>     friend's blog to learn more about them.  How do you find it?  You
>     could search for your friend's name on the Internet or on various
>     social networking sites, but sometimes it is very hard to locate a
>     person or information about a person with merely an email address or
>     a name.
> I believe the technical term for that is "cyberstalking". What are you
> planning to do to ensure the draft properly addresses security, privacy,
> and netiquette issues? Right now the document seems to omit the reasons
> for why the finger protocol did not gain traction, which revolve around
> privacy and social engineering security issues, does not discuss neti-
> quette at all, just has a "if you don't like it, don't use it" remark
> in the Security Considerations, and has an ironic "Author's Addresses"
> section.