Re: [dhcwg] Citing 'draft-ietf-dhc-secdhcpv6' (rfc3315bis)

"Templin, Fred L" <> Wed, 24 August 2016 15:19 UTC

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From: "Templin, Fred L" <>
To: Lishan Li <>, "Bernie Volz (volz)" <>
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I have presented a use case (AERO) that needs DHCPv6 authentication but
not encryption, and I have stated that encryption will be incompatible with
my use case. Bernie mentioned another use case that will be incompatible.

As far as I can tell, AERO will be one of the most important use cases for
DHCPv6, and also as far as I can tell secdhcpv6 could easily be relaxed to
satisfy the need. So, drawing a hard line like this is essentially blocking an
important use case for no good reason. Is that really what people want?

Thanks – Fred

From: Lishan Li []
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 8:40 PM
To: Bernie Volz (volz) <>
Cc: Templin, Fred L <>; <> <>; Francis Dupont <>; 神明達哉 <>
Subject: Re: [dhcwg] Citing 'draft-ietf-dhc-secdhcpv6' (rfc3315bis)

Hi, Fred,

In the Applicability part of secure DHCPv6, it is stated that: secure DHCPv6 is applicable in any environment where physical security on the link is not assured and attacks on DHCPv6 are a concern.
In addition, after the discussion in Yokohama, we have reached a consensus that: Given the focus on pervasive monitoring, all encrypting is the correct direction.

Best Regards,

2016-08-24 5:55 GMT+08:00 Bernie Volz (volz) <<>>:
My point is that we will need to develop a solution for this (i.e. something like the referenced draft); not that this should change sedhcpv6 work.

Given the focus on pervasive monitoring, encrypting is the correct direction.

- Bernie (from iPhone)

> On Aug 23, 2016, at 1:15 PM, Templin, Fred L <<>> wrote:
> Hi Bernie,
>> Note that encryption will cause significant issues for DOCSIS and likely other deployments where the relay currently snoops the traffic.
> This is exactly the case for AERO, i.e., the relay snoops the traffic which
> must be available in the clear.
> So, authentication-only is what is needed. And, it does not need to have
> anything added to the spec - only a relaxation of what is already there.
> Thanks - Fred
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bernie Volz (volz) [<>]
>> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 6:38 AM
>> To: 神明達哉 <<>>; Templin, Fred L <<>>
>> Cc: <<>> <<>>; Francis Dupont <<>>
>> Subject: RE: [dhcwg] Citing 'draft-ietf-dhc-secdhcpv6' (rfc3315bis)
>>> so not very convincing to overturn a wg consensus on always enabling encryption
>> Agreed. We held discussions with others (Randy Busy, etc.) and are under the belief that what is there is in the right direction. This is
>> an overall solution to the DHCP security solution and tries to address FULL security (as the traffic is encrypted - so it addresses privacy).
>> I'm not sure if encryption harms anything in  your environment; so what harm is there to use it?
>> Note that encryption will cause significant issues for DOCSIS and likely other deployments where the relay currently snoops the traffic.
>> So, we'll need to address how to handle that (either dust of the
>> work or come up with something else). Until something else is in place, those environments just can't make use of this capability.
>> - Bernie
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of ????
>> Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 6:54 PM
>> To: Templin, Fred L <<>>
>> Cc: <<>> <<>>; Francis Dupont <<>>; Bernie Volz (volz) <<>>
>> Subject: Re: [dhcwg] Citing 'draft-ietf-dhc-secdhcpv6' (rfc3315bis)
>> At Thu, 18 Aug 2016 22:42:38 +0000,
>> "Templin, Fred L" <<>> wrote:
>>> Hi, I already made a stronger case as follows:
>>>> I think what that means in terms of this draft is that for some use cases all
>>>> that is needed is for the client to include a Signature option in its DHCPv6
>>>> messages to the server. The client does not need to include a Certificate
>>>> option nor any encryption options. So, I would like it if the draft could
>>>> include a simple "authentication only" mode of operation.
>> To me, it just looks like "in some cases encryption may not be needed"
>> and not so different from "it's overkilling for me", so not very
>> convincing to overturn a wg consensus on always enabling encryption.
>> But it's ultimately up to the wg.
>> --
>> JINMEI, Tatuya

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