[dnsext] list-meta: moderation (was: Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-terminals)
Andrew Sullivan <ajs@shinkuro.com> Tue, 29 March 2011 08:54 UTC
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Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 04:56:00 -0400
From: Andrew Sullivan <ajs@shinkuro.com>
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Subject: [dnsext] list-meta: moderation (was: Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-terminals)
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This is a meta notice about list moderation, for the record. I normally wouldn't bother, but I want to make sure that nobody is under the mistaken impression that we are suppressing legitimate comment. On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 03:23:49PM -0700, Colm MacCárthaigh wrote: > Forwarding due to relevancy ... > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: D. J. Bernstein <djb@cr.yp.to> > Date: Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 3:13 PM > Subject: Re: Fixing the NXDOMAIN/NODATA bug in tinydns > To: dns@list.cr.yp.to > Here's a more detailed message that I tried to send to namedroppers (the > IETF dnsext mailing list) on this topic a month ago. I say "tried" > because this message didn't show up on the mailing list even after I > sent it to the list, sent it again to the "moderator", and sent it once > again to the list. I do have, still in my INBOX in fact, a message from Dr Bernstein about his message not getting posted. I also have my response, saying "please send me the message if you're unable to get it posted", along with a lot of detail of what the mailing list software is, where it is located and by whom it is operated, what I found when I tried to find his message, and so on. I called attention specifically to the fact that namedroppers was no longer the WG's mailing list and that mail to the old address seemed to drop from the face of the earth. I asked him whether he had mail logs that showed his message was in fact accepted for delivery, because I was unable to find his message anywhere. What I do not have is the original message that Dr Bernstein refers to in his comments. As far as I can tell, I never received that. Now, it would not completely surprise me to learn that I had somehow managed to delete not once, but three times, the same text that came to me via three different channels. But I would be at least mildly surprised. If Dr Bernstein has further difficulties, I invite him (again) to contact me, Olafur, or both of us. We are the moderators (or, I guess, "moderators") of the list. The address for the current chairs (whoever they may be, as long as there's a WG) is dnsext-chairs@tools.ietf.org. If Dr Bernstein believes he was ill treated by me (I take full responsibility -- Olafur was not involved in the conversation to my knowledge), I regret it, and would like to know what he wishes I would do to make this less difficult for him. Best regards, A -- Andrew Sullivan ajs@shinkuro.com Shinkuro, Inc.
- [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-term… Colm MacCárthaigh
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Paul Vixie
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Matthew Dempsky
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Colm MacCárthaigh
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Paul Vixie
- [dnsext] list-meta: moderation (was: Fwd: djb on … Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Florian Weimer
- Re: [dnsext] list-meta: moderation (was: Fwd: djb… Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: [dnsext] list-meta: moderation (was: Fwd: djb… Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Paul Vixie
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Tony Finch
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Paul Vixie
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Florian Weimer
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Paul Vixie
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Edward Lewis
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Edward Lewis
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Paul Vixie
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Edward Lewis
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Florian Weimer
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Edward Lewis
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Paul Vixie
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Colm MacCárthaigh
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Sabahattin Gucukoglu
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Edward Lewis
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Tony Finch
- Re: [dnsext] Fwd: djb on NXDOMAIN/NODATA for non-… Edward Lewis