Re: [Ecrit] Expert Reviewer's response to request to register 'country-specific' in 'sos' Subservice Registry in the Service URN Labels group

Ivo Sedlacek <> Wed, 16 November 2016 01:22 UTC

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Thread-Topic: [Ecrit] Expert Reviewer's response to request to register 'country-specific' in 'sos' Subservice Registry in the Service URN Labels group
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Subject: Re: [Ecrit] Expert Reviewer's response to request to register 'country-specific' in 'sos' Subservice Registry in the Service URN Labels group
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(the below was a response to Brian's mail. Also the quote is from Brian's mail)


> Since the management policy of the emergency service is “expert review”, the barrier to adding new, possibly experimental services is low,
> and the consequences of having services that are not eventually deployed persisting in the registry is minimal.

I tried to register emergency URNs
- for emergency service of municipal police; and
- for emergency service of national police
(both of which are used in Czech republic) with IANA in

The registration was rejected ....

So, I disagree that barrieer is low.

Kind regards

Ivo Sedlacek

From: Ecrit [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Ecrit] Expert Reviewer's response to request to register 'country-specific' in 'sos' Subservice Registry in the Service URN Labels group

Hi Brian,
the aimed registration is for 3GPP networks only and not to be intended to be used everywhere.

So from my understanding there are a many of existing specific emergency services out in the world which need the equivalent within the 3GPP IMS world.

An example is Poland:
Please see which lists the number 986 for "straż miejska" (= municipal police) and the number 997 for Policja (= police) as "numery alarmowe" (= emergency numbers).
Which cannot use the normal sos urn.

3GPP had the requirement to specify this for the 3GPP IMS world. And the easiest way was to have such an mechanism.
Since this is only used for the 3GPP IMS world, 3GPP would like to have a mechanism to allow these  specific suptypes.

So what could be done to get such an solution where IETF can agree upon?

Best Regards


Von: Ecrit [] Im Auftrag von Brian Rosen
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. November 2016 15:54
Betreff: [Ecrit] Expert Reviewer's response to request to register 'country-specific' in 'sos' Subservice Registry in the Service URN Labels group

I am the expert reviewer designated by the ecrit working group for this request.

I believe this request is not consistent with the words and the intent of the registry.  “country-specific’ is not an emergency service.  Since the management policy of the emergency service is “expert review”, the barrier to adding new, possibly experimental services is low, and the consequences of having services that are not eventually deployed persisting in the registry is minimal.  The URN was not intended to have a generic X- service or equivalent, which is what this registration attempts to do.  New services, even experimental services, should register the service with IANA following the normal procedure.

Therefore, I recommend that we deny this request and suggest that the specific services be registered with IANA as they are deployed.  This decision has been reviewed with the ecrit working group.


On Nov 3, 2016, at 3:59 PM, Az Mankin <<>> wrote:

ECRIT Working Group,
We need a volunteer for the following IANA Expert Review request that Amanda Baber of IANA just sent to Roger and me.  It needs to be written and sent to the mailing list, per the IESG's appointment of the WG as the Expert Reviewer (  Amanda's message is under the line. Who'd like to step up for this?
Thanks!  from your Chairs

The IANA Services Operator has received a request for registration in the 'sos' Sub-Services registry in the Service URN Labels group. This request comes from Frederic Firmin of ETSI.

According to RFC 7163, registration in 'sos' Sub-Services requires expert review as designated by the ECRIT working group or its successor (or, in their absence, the IESG). Can you send this request for review?

The IESG has asked that expert reviews be completed within two weeks, if possible.

See below.


Amanda Baber
Lead IANA Services Specialist


Contact Name:
Frederic Firmin

Contact Email:<>

Type of Assignment:
sub-service URN

Service URN Labels registry with the "sos" URN Service Labels subregistry.

This sub-service type is used before an appropriate sub-service type is registered with IANA for a specific emergency service. This sub-service type is not used where an appropriate sub-service type has been registered with IANA for the specific emergency service.
The next level of sub-services indicates the country where the specific emergency service is used. Subtypes below this are defined by national regulation of that country and are not registered with IANA.

Additional Info:
The following service URN is proposed to be registered:

reference: 24.229 12.14.0 available at (cf subclause 7.11.1)
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