[Ecrit] DUE 11/17 - Volunteer for Expert Review: IANA 'sos' Sub-Services registry

Az Mankin <azmankin@gmail.com> Thu, 03 November 2016 19:59 UTC

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Subject: [Ecrit] DUE 11/17 - Volunteer for Expert Review: IANA 'sos' Sub-Services registry
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ECRIT Working Group,

We need a volunteer for the following IANA Expert Review request that
Amanda Baber of IANA just sent to Roger and me.  It needs to be written and
sent to the mailing list, per the IESG's appointment of the WG as the
Expert Reviewer (
Amanda's message is under the line. Who'd like to step up for this?

Thanks!  from your Chairs

The IANA Services Operator has received a request for registration in the
'sos' Sub-Services registry in the Service URN Labels group. This request
comes from Frederic Firmin of ETSI.

According to RFC 7163, registration in 'sos' Sub-Services requires expert
review as designated by the ECRIT working group or its successor (or, in
their absence, the IESG). Can you send this request for review?

The IESG has asked that expert reviews be completed within two weeks, if

See below.


Amanda Baber
Lead IANA Services Specialist


Contact Name:
Frederic Firmin

Contact Email:

Type of Assignment:
sub-service URN

Service URN Labels registry with the "sos" URN Service Labels subregistry.

This sub-service type is used before an appropriate sub-service type is
registered with IANA for a specific emergency service. This sub-service
type is not used where an appropriate sub-service type has been registered
with IANA for the specific emergency service.
The next level of sub-services indicates the country where the specific
emergency service is used. Subtypes below this are defined by national
regulation of that country and are not registered with IANA.

Additional Info:
The following service URN is proposed to be registered:

reference: 24.229 12.14.0 available at http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/
archive/24_series/24.229/24229-ce0.zip (cf subclause 7.11.1)