Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was" Re: Hilton BA is Booked already?)
Eliot Lear <> Tue, 12 January 2016 14:34 UTC
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Subject: Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was" Re: Hilton BA is Booked already?)
To:, Ole Jacobsen <>
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From: Eliot Lear <>
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Hi Dave, On 12/18/15 1:42 AM, Dave Crocker wrote: >>> Choices like BA or Sydney inconvenience essentially all attendees, in >>> favor of goals other than getting work done. >> ***OLE: Just to be clear, the IAOC did not choose Buenos Aires, the >> IESG in dialog with the community did. > The initiative was from the IAOC. And the 'dialog with the community' > is a good example of the problematic survey methodology I was citing. > > This has been well-hashed before, so I won't review the details. This is not how I recall things happening. I and a few others agitated for trying, at least as an experiment, getting to South America, so that we could see if we could pick up more direct participation from that region. Alvaro was already working hard to set up local meet-ups in various countries, and it seemed like a good time to start planning to try to bring people together, and I said so. In this sense I believe the IAOC was responding to at least some of us who wanted to go to that region. As for this being "outreach theater", I would put it in different terms. We are at risk of self-selecting. This is a means to find new participants, to show them that they needn't always be at the bad end of a Meetecho or WebEx connection at some inconvenient hour. And so, as I mentioned early in this discussion, count me in the crowd who continues to be glad we are going to BA. I look forward to an enjoyable and productive meeting there. Eliot
- RE: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Adrian Farrel
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Stephen Farrell
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Dave Crocker
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Kathleen Moriarty
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Alia Atlas
- RE: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Christian Huitema
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Alia Atlas
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… John C Klensin
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Ole Jacobsen
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Dave Crocker
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… John Levine
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Christian Hopps
- RE: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… MAISONNEUVE, JULIEN (JULIEN)
- RE: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Ole Jacobsen
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Behcet Sarikaya
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Lou Berger
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Randall Gellens
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… John Levine
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… John C Klensin
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Eliot Lear
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Randall Gellens
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… John C Klensin
- Re: IETF hotel selection mode and a proposal (was… Randall Gellens