Fwd: Re: 10 a.m.
Sandy Wills <sandy@WEIJax.net> Mon, 11 July 2016 21:52 UTC
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Subject: Fwd: Re: 10 a.m.
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Notes from an innocent bystander who has yet to attend an IETF in person..... On 7/11/2016 4:29 PM, Dave Crocker wrote: > On 7/11/2016 8:22 PM, Tim Chown wrote: >> Can we make sure this question is asked explicitly in the >> post-meeting survey? > > What is 'this' question? > > Surveys need to ask the right questions and they need to ask > them very carefully. My guess is that 'this' is actually a > set of questions. The following questions are about the recent change in starting times for IETF meetings: 1) Did you notice this schedule change? 1a) If you answered "Yes" to question 1, when did you notice? 2) Did you attend this IETF in person? 3) Did you attend this IETF remotely? Note to survey takers: Most participants will only be able to reply "Yes" to at most one of questions 2 and 3. If you answered "Yes" to both questions 2 and 3, please ensure that these answers are correct. 4) If you noticed this change before the meeting started, did this change affect your decision to attend? 4a) If you answered "Yes" to question 4, please attach a short explanation of the change. To help the survey analysis, please identify the language you use for this essay. 5) If you only noticed this question after your plans had been fixed by financial decisions, did noticing this change affect your blood pressure or need for medications? 6) If you did not notice this change until after you arrived onsite for the IETF, did this schedule change affect your normal IETF-related activities? ...and so on. (If I can't participate in any meaningful way, I'll participate in a non-meaningful way.) -- Sandy Wills (727) 267-8037 Sandy@WEIJax.net
- Re: 10 a.m. Alia Atlas
- Re: 10 a.m. Ted Lemon
- Re: 10 a.m. Ted Lemon
- Re: 10 a.m. Alia Atlas
- Re: 10 a.m. Brian E Carpenter
- Re: 10 a.m. Alia Atlas
- Re: 10 a.m. Stewart Bryant
- Re: 10 a.m. Jared Mauch
- Re: 10 a.m. Theodore V Faber
- Re: 10 a.m. Ted Lemon
- Re: 10 a.m. Alia Atlas
- Re: 10 a.m. Dave Crocker
- Re: 10 a.m. Ted Lemon
- Re: 10 a.m. Tim Chown
- Re: 10 a.m. Alia Atlas
- Re: 10 a.m. Jari Arkko
- Re: 10 a.m. Mikael Abrahamsson
- Re: 10 a.m. Ted Lemon
- Re: 10 a.m. Dave Crocker
- Re: 10 a.m. Carsten Bormann
- Re: 10 a.m. Tim Chown
- Fwd: Re: 10 a.m. Sandy Wills
- Re: 10 a.m. Dave Crocker
- Re: 10 a.m. Ted Lemon
- Re: 10 a.m. Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: 10 a.m. Tim Chown
- Re: 10 a.m. John C Klensin
- Re: 10 a.m. Tim Chown
- Re: 10 a.m. Jari Arkko
- 10 a.m. Brian E Carpenter
- Re: 10 a.m. Dave Crocker
- Re: 10 a.m. Michael StJohns
- Re: 10 a.m. John C Klensin