[ogpx] A blog post from the HTML5/Websocket wars worth reading
David W Levine <dwl@us.ibm.com> Wed, 17 February 2010 15:14 UTC
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For those who don't slog through the Hybi/Websocket traffic a blog entry from Tim Bray which I think touches on some issues for the VWRAP work... http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/02/15/HTML5 - David ~ Zha
- [ogpx] A blog post from the HTML5/Websocket wars … David W Levine
- Re: [ogpx] A blog post from the HTML5/Websocket w… Kari Lippert
- Re: [ogpx] A blog post from the HTML5/Websocket w… David W Levine
- Re: [ogpx] A blog post from the HTML5/Websocket w… Morgaine
- Re: [ogpx] A blog post from the HTML5/Websocket w… Barry Leiba
- Re: [ogpx] A blog post from the HTML5/Websocket w… Carlo Wood
- Re: [ogpx] A blog post from the HTML5/Websocket w… Meadhbh Hamrick
- Re: [ogpx] A blog post from the HTML5/Websocket w… David W Levine
- Re: [ogpx] A blog post from the HTML5/Websocket w… Joshua Bell
- Re: [ogpx] A blog post from the HTML5/Websocket w… Carlo Wood
- [ogpx] Updated deployment and trust draft posted David W Levine
- Re: [ogpx] Updated deployment and trust draft pos… Infinity Linden (Meadhbh Hamrick)
- Re: [ogpx] Updated deployment and trust draft pos… Lawson English
- Re: [ogpx] Updated deployment and trust draft pos… Morgaine
- Re: [ogpx] Updated deployment and trust draft pos… Carlo Wood
- Re: [ogpx] Updated deployment and trust draft pos… Meadhbh Hamrick