Re: [tcpm] Proceeding CUBIC draft - thoughts and late follow-up

Ian Swett <> Wed, 22 June 2022 13:05 UTC

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From: Ian Swett <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 09:05:29 -0400
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To: Lars Eggert <>
Cc: Markku Kojo <>, Gorry Fairhust <>, " Extensions" <>, tcpm-chairs <>
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Subject: Re: [tcpm] Proceeding CUBIC draft - thoughts and late follow-up
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On Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 2:31 AM Lars Eggert <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2022-6-21, at 3:06, Markku Kojo <> wrote:
> > To my understanding we have quite a bit QUIC traffic for which RFC 9002
> has just been published and it follows Reno CC quite closely with some
> exceptions.
> see Vidhi's message on the differences between Reno and RFC9002.
> Also, my understanding is that the most widely deployed QUIC stacks in
> production actually use CUBIC or BBR v1 or v2 and not RFC9002.

(chair hat off)
Google uses BBRv1 on most internet-facing server connections in QUIC and
TCP and Cubic in QUIC clients.  We have active experiments with BBRv2, but
nothing with Reno.

As a practical note, the vast majority of these flows never operate in the
region of traditional fairness analyses where multiple flows are attempting
to fully utilize the link for many (>10) RTTs in a row.  The majority never
exit slow start and those that do are frequently app-limited.

> > We have also some SCTP traffic that follows very closely Reno CC
> The SCTP used for WebRTC in production (Webex, Zoom, etc.) is AFAIK not
> using Reno (or CUBIC, or RMCAT).
> > and numerous proprietary UDP-based protocols that RFC 8085 requires to
> follow the congestion control algos as described in RFC 2914 and RFC 5681.
> So, are you saying RFC 2914, RFC 8085 and RFC 9002 are just academic
> exercises?
> What the IETF requires in RFCs and what sees deployment are two different
> things. These RFCs are meant to give implementors who may not be aware of
> the intricacies of CC some background and a solid foundation to implement.
> > Moreover, my answer to why we see so little Reno CC traffic is very
> simple: people deployed CUBIC that is more aggressive than Reno CC, so it
> is an inherent outcome that hardly anyone is willing to run Reno CC when
> others are running a more aggressive CC algo that leaves little room for
> competing Reno CC.
> CUBIC might be more aggressive than Reno, but it is not problematically
> so. And its slight increase in aggressiveness  - w/o any apparent major
> issues - results in better application performance, which is why it is
> seeing deployment.
> > First, if the CUBIC draft is published as it currently is that would
> give an IETF stamp and 'official' start for "a spiral of increasingly
> > aggressive TCP implementations" that RFC 2914 appropriately warns about.
> RFC2914 was written at a time when the IETF had practically no
> participation from the engineers that implemented and shipped CC algorithms
> for the major stacks, and the need for proper CC was a lot less well and
> widely understood as it is now.
> We are in a much different situation now, where hyperscalar and other
> massively deployed services pay extremely close attention to how well their
> content pipeline operates, and whose engineers are participating in this
> group and the broader IETF.
> There is an increasing desire to optimize CC, BBR being maybe the latest
> example, but at the same time there is also a huge awareness of the risks
> of being too aggressive, maybe more so now than at any time in the past. I
> don't think there is a risk of a CC spiral of death.
> > The little I had time to follow L4S discussions in tsvwg people already
> insisted to compare L4S performance to CUBIC instead of Reno CC.
> Of course they would - CUBIC is what runs on the Internet. If you want to
> compare yourself to the current status quo, that is your baseline.
> > Second, by recognizing CUBIC as a standard as it is currently written
> would ensure that all issues that have been raised would get ignored and
> forgotten forever.
> I don't see this risk at all. One motivation for publishing a bis version
> of RFC 8312 was to document the bug fixes that have occurred in deployments
> since RFC 8312 was published. Publishing the bis will not stop us from
> publishing future improvements.
> > As I have tried to say, I do not care too much what would be the status
> of CUBIC when it gets published as long as we do not hide the obvious
> issues it has and we have a clear plan to ensure that all issues that have
> not been resoved by the time of publishing it will have a clear path and
> incentive to get fixed.
> I'd like to point out that I see nobody else in the WG claiming that CUBIC
> has "obvious issues" or is a "flawed design". It's not perfect, but nothing
> ever is. CUBIC has been running the majority of the Internet traffic for
> the last decade, and the Internet seems to be doing OK.
> We'll publish additional improvements to CUBIC when they are proposed,
> tested and have WG consensus.
> > IMO that can be best achieved by publishing it as Experimental and
> documenting all unresolved issues in the draft.
> > That approach would involve the incentive for all proponents to do
> whatever is needed (measurements, algo fixes/tuning) to solve the remaining
> issues and get it to stds track.
> Please propose a short paragraph of text that outlines these "unresolved
> issues", which we might then see if the WG has consensus for adding it to
> the draft?
> > But let me ask a different question: what is gained and how does the
> community benefit from a std that is based on flawed design that does not
> behave as intended?
> So even if CUBIC was a "flawed design that does not behave as intended",
> it seems in practice to perform pretty well without major issues, seems to
> deliver QoE improvements to the applications that run above it, and is
> ubiquitously deployed on the Internet.
> Not publishing it on the standards track sends a pretty strong message to
> the implementer community that the IETF community is completely out of
> touch with deployed realities. This risks us being taken seriously.
> > Congestion control specifications are considered as having significant
> operational impact on the Internet similar to security mechanisms. Would
> you in IESG support publication of a security mechanism that is shown to
> not operate as intended?
> Why do you believe CUBIC does not "operate as intended"?
> What matters is whether a security or congestion control mechanism is fit
> for purpose and without major failure cases. I believe that is the case for
> > Could we now finally focus on solving each of the remaining issues and
> discussing the way forward separately with each of them? Issue 3 a) has
> pretty much been solved already (thanks Neal), some text tweaking may still
> be needed.
> As editors of a WG document, we'll incorporate changes as they gain WG
> consensus. There was a proposal (and support) to address one of your
> suggestions, and we merged Neal's PR. If and when that happens for other
> suggestions, we'll follow suit.
> Thanks,
> Lars