Re: [mpls] draft-fang-mpls-label-forwarding-no-swap - how much does it really save?

Robert Raszuk <> Fri, 24 July 2015 09:04 UTC

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Subject: Re: [mpls] draft-fang-mpls-label-forwarding-no-swap - how much does it really save?
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I very much agree 100% with your comments and comments from Robin.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 10:59 AM, Xuxiaohu <> wrote:

>  Hi Sasha,
> Regarding why anycast segment would require global labels, please look
> at page 4 of this .pdf (
>  it seems more acceptable to use global labels rather than introducing a
> new forwarding paradigm (i.e., SID-based forwarding) to achieve anycast
> segment functionality.
> Best regards,
> Xiaohu
>  ------------------------------
> *发件人:* Alexander Vainshtein []
> *发送时间:* 2015年7月24日 16:31
> *收件人:* Xuxiaohu; Robert Raszuk; Shahram Davari
> *抄送:*
> *主题:* Re: [mpls] draft-fang-mpls-label-forwarding-no-swap - how much does
> it really save?
>   Xiaohu hi!
> First of all I think that you are asking the right question:-( .
> This said I think that the answer to this question is NO.
> I do not see why anycast segment in SR would require global labels - could
> you please elaborate?
> Thumb typed on my LG,
> Sasha
> ------ Original message ------
> *From: *Xuxiaohu
> *Date: *24/07/2015 10:49
> *To: *Alexander Vainshtein;Robert Raszuk;Shahram Davari;
> *Cc: *;
> *Subject:*re: [mpls] draft-fang-mpls-label-forwarding-no-swap - how much
> does it really save?
>  Hi all,
> Before considering the possible MPLS forwarding optimization for global
> labels (a.k.a., domain-wide labels), should we firstly legalize the usage
> of global labels within the MPLS community? BTW, I believe global labels
> would be very useful and neccessary in some use cases, such as anycast
> segment.
> Best regards,
> Xiaohu
>  ------------------------------
> *发件人:* mpls [] 代表 Alexander Vainshtein [
> *发送时间:* 2015年7月24日 13:26
> *收件人:* Robert Raszuk; Shahram Davari
> *抄送:*
> *主题:* Re: [mpls] draft-fang-mpls-label-forwarding-no-swap - how much does
> it really save?
> Hi all,
> Please note that CONTINUE in SPRING is:
> 1. A DP-agnostic primitive
> 2. *Implemented* as SWAP instruction with MPLS DP.
> So claiming equivalence of CONTINUE and NO-SWAP seems to be inaccurate IMO.
> As for global labels (in SDN, MPLS-TP or any other technology) - this
> definitely looks to me like a very bad idea for networks comprised of
> devices that support different label ranges. From my experience these
> scenarios have been encountered in real MPLS-TP deployments  and resulted
> in eventually dropping the "simple" solution as live networks have been
> extended with new NEs supporting a more narrow label space than the
> original ones.
> Adding a new forwarding primitive to MPLS architecture (yet another
> argument on this thread) immediately raises the question:
> Is support of the new primitive mandatory?
> If it is not (and this is clearly the case for NO-SWAP), then why should
> we bother? Occam's rasor cuts this off IMHO.
> My personal bottom line: this is a strictly NO GO proposal.
> My 2c.
> Thumb typed on my LG,
> Sasha
> ------ Original message ------
> *From: *Robert Raszuk
> *Date: *24/07/2015 00:22
> *To: *Shahram Davari;
> *Cc: *;
> *Subject:*Re: [mpls] draft-fang-mpls-label-forwarding-no-swap - how much
> does it really save?
>  The point is that new control plane is already defined. In fact we
> already have two :)
>  As I mentioned in my first mail to the list the concept of
> NO_SWAP/CONTINUE is common to both H-SDN and SEGMENT ROUTING architectures.
>  Ref:
>  Thx,
> R.
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 11:16 PM, Shahram Davari  <>
> wrote:
>>  Robert,
>> So instead of calling it no-swap probably you should call it global label
>> or so, and then define new control plane for it. But seems the data-pane
>> behavior does not change and existing hardware can support this global
>> label.  So maybe you just need new control plane.
>> Thx
>> Shahram
>> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Robert
>> Raszuk
>> *Sent:* Thursday, July 23, 2015 2:12 PM
>> *To:* Shahram Davari
>> *Cc:* Eric C Rosen;;
>> *Subject:* Re: [mpls] draft-fang-mpls-label-forwarding-no-swap - how
>> much does it really save?
>> Hi Shahram,
>> Labels which are non of a local significance can be distributed by
>> flooding protocols extensions (ISIS, OSPF) or by direct p2p sessions (BGP
>> 3107, sessions from the controller, XMPP etc ...)
>> The important part is that the actual forwarding is computed recursively
>> or set at the controller.
>> AFAIK I have not seen any proposal where LDP would play any role in such
>> distribution.
>> Regards,
>> R.
>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 11:07 PM, Shahram Davari <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> How are these labels distributed? Via LDP or via SDN controller?
>> Thanks
>> Shahram
>> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Robert
>> Raszuk
>> *Sent:* Thursday, July 23, 2015 12:58 PM
>> *To:* Eric C Rosen
>> *Cc:* Shahram Davari;;
>> *Subject:* Re: [mpls] draft-fang-mpls-label-forwarding-no-swap - how
>> much does it really save?
>> ​Hi Eric,​
>>  ​​
>> If you notice that the incoming label needs to be 'replaced' by an
>> outgoing label of the same value, you could just make the rewrite string
>> shorter, so it won't overwrite the top label on the stack.  This seems to
>> be what the draft suggests, but it could be done as an optimization for the
>> particular case where the incoming and outgoing labels have the same value.
>> ​This is precisely ​the crux where your statement fails.
>> You use term "incoming label" and "outgoing lable" ... well in the new
>> architectures there is no such things.
>> It is a "global label" or "path label" with adjacency information.
>> So to support legacy hardware new control plane has to make up from
>> single label now two (identical) labels to pass it to data plane. Now also
>> data plane must be smart to check that and program its state per your
>> suggestion.
>> Why would we do that other then due to worry about legacy chipsets feared
>> to be non compliant to new RFC ?
>> Many thx,
>> R.