[netext] 答复: Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-krishnan-netext-update-notifications

tu.yangwei@zte.com.cn Wed, 14 November 2012 02:17 UTC

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My answer to the question: Should the Netext WG adopt I-D: 
draft-krishnan-netext-update-notifications as a working group document?:

Yes:  [ X ]

Basavaraj Patil <bpatil1@gmail.com> 
发件人:  netext-bounces@ietf.org
2012-11-13 11:11

[netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D 

The I-D : Update Notifications for Proxy Mobile IPv6 
<draft-krishnan-netext-update-notifications> was presented at the WG 
meeting at IETF85 (Atlanta).
There was consensus in the room to adopt this I-D as a WG document (11 in 
favor of, None against).

Please treat this as a consensus call for adopting this I-D as a WG 

Question: Should the Netext WG adopt I-D: 
draft-krishnan-netext-update-notifications as a working group document?

Yes:  [  ]
No :  [  ]

Some background info: The 3GPP liaison to the IETF has indicated the 
relevance of this I-D to their specifications and is awaiting feedback 
from the AD and the chairs about its status.


   Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) is a network based mobility management
   protocol that enables IP mobility for a host without requiring its
   participation in any mobility-related signaling.  This document
   proposes a mechanism for the Local Mobility Anchor to asynchronously
   notify the Mobile Access Gateway about changes related to the
   mobility session.

This consensus call will expire on November 26th, 2012.

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