Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Rework Retry packet (#1498)

MikkelFJ <> Thu, 19 July 2018 06:18 UTC

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From: MikkelFJ <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Rework Retry packet (#1498)
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mikkelfj commented on this pull request.

> +A Retry packet does not include a packet number and cannot be explictly
+acknowledged by a client.
+A server MUST only send a Retry in response to a client Initial packet.
+If the Original Destination Connection ID field does not match the Destination
+Connection ID from the most recent Initial packet it sent, clients MUST discard
+the packet.  This prevents an off-path attacker from injecting a Retry packet.
+The client responds to a Retry packet with an Initial packet that includes the
+provided Retry Token to continue connection establishment.
+A server that might send another Retry packet in response to a subsequent
+Initial packet MUST set the Source Connection ID to a new value of at least 8
+octets in length.  This allows clients to distinguish between Retry packets when
+the server sends multiple rounds of Retry packets.  Consequently, a valid Retry


> Instead of requiring the server to use a new CID, why not just make the client use a new random CID for every new token it sends in the Initial packet? 

The clients source SCID must be new. The clients original DCID is always new and random in an initial packet. Only the source is reflected back by the server. this is why it must be new. The alternative would be to have a separate nonce in the handshake, separate from SCID, which is what I suggest.

On the going further: The server must set is own SCID - otherwise the server is forced to use a client chosen SCID which is not only a load balancer issue and it also goes against the point of a retry. A retry is a redirect to another server, not try again until you get lucky, although that can also be implemented if the server randomizes its SCID.

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