Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] introduce a max_connection_ids transport parameter (#1998)

janaiyengar <> Wed, 14 November 2018 11:50 UTC

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From: janaiyengar <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] introduce a max_connection_ids transport parameter (#1998)
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janaiyengar commented on this pull request.

>  An endpoint SHOULD ensure that its peer has a sufficient number of available and
-unused connection IDs.  While each endpoint independently chooses how many
-connection IDs to issue, endpoints SHOULD provide and maintain at least eight
-connection IDs.  The endpoint can do this by always supplying a new connection
-ID when a connection ID is retired by its peer or when the endpoint receives a
-packet with a previously unused connection ID.  Endpoints that initiate
-migration and require non-zero-length connection IDs SHOULD provide their peers
-with new connection IDs before migration, or risk the peer closing the
+unused connection IDs. Endpoints store received connection IDs for future use.
+They advertise how many unretired connection IDs they are willing to store in
+the transport parameters. An endpoint MUST NOT provide more connection IDs than
+this limit. An endpoint MUST treat receipt of more than this number of
+connection IDs as an error of type CONNECTION_ID_LIMIT_ERROR. If an endpoint has

Why is this error necessary? A peer can simply drop the ones that it can't store.

>  An endpoint SHOULD ensure that its peer has a sufficient number of available and
-unused connection IDs.  While each endpoint independently chooses how many
-connection IDs to issue, endpoints SHOULD provide and maintain at least eight
-connection IDs.  The endpoint can do this by always supplying a new connection
-ID when a connection ID is retired by its peer or when the endpoint receives a
-packet with a previously unused connection ID.  Endpoints that initiate
-migration and require non-zero-length connection IDs SHOULD provide their peers
-with new connection IDs before migration, or risk the peer closing the
+unused connection IDs. Endpoints store received connection IDs for future use.
+They advertise how many unretired connection IDs they are willing to store in
+the transport parameters. An endpoint MUST NOT provide more connection IDs than

Suggestion to replace this previous sentence: "An endpoint uses a transport parameter to advertise the maximum number of connection IDs it can store for future use."

>  An endpoint SHOULD ensure that its peer has a sufficient number of available and
-unused connection IDs.  While each endpoint independently chooses how many
-connection IDs to issue, endpoints SHOULD provide and maintain at least eight
-connection IDs.  The endpoint can do this by always supplying a new connection
-ID when a connection ID is retired by its peer or when the endpoint receives a
-packet with a previously unused connection ID.  Endpoints that initiate
-migration and require non-zero-length connection IDs SHOULD provide their peers
-with new connection IDs before migration, or risk the peer closing the
+unused connection IDs. Endpoints store received connection IDs for future use.
+They advertise how many unretired connection IDs they are willing to store in
+the transport parameters. An endpoint MUST NOT provide more connection IDs than
+this limit. An endpoint MUST treat receipt of more than this number of
+connection IDs as an error of type CONNECTION_ID_LIMIT_ERROR. If an endpoint has
+provided its peer with the maximum number of connection IDs, the earliest time
+it can provide a new connection ID is when the peer retires a connection ID.

suggestion: "... connection IDs, it can only provide a new connection ID when the peer retires one."

> @@ -3981,6 +3979,12 @@ A client MUST NOT include an original connection ID, a stateless reset token, or
 a preferred address.  A server MUST treat receipt of any of these transport
 parameters as a connection error of type TRANSPORT_PARAMETER_ERROR.
+max_connection_ids (0x000e):
+: The maximum number of connection IDs that the peer is willing to store.
+  This value includes only connection IDs sent in NEW_CONNECTION_ID frames.

The maximum number of connection IDs that this endpoint can store for future use. These connection IDs are issued by the peer and sent in NEW_CONNECTION_ID frames.

> @@ -4958,6 +4962,10 @@ INVALID_MIGRATION (0xC):
 : A peer has migrated to a different network when the endpoint had disabled
+: A peer received more connection IDs than its advertised limit.

See my comment above

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