Re: [rtcweb] A different perspective on the video codec MTI discussion

Andrew Allen <> Thu, 14 March 2013 02:11 UTC

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From: Andrew Allen <>
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Thread-Topic: [rtcweb] A different perspective on the video codec MTI discussion
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A good piece of advice when shopping is to always beware of the places where the price is not well advertised - the fact that the price is not known in advance does not mean its free - and often quite the opposite!


----- Original Message -----
From: Lorenzo Miniero []
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 06:55 PM Central Standard Time
To: Jonathan Rosenberg <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [rtcweb] A different perspective on the video codec MTI discussion

Il giorno Wed, 13 Mar 2013 18:06:47 -0400
Jonathan Rosenberg <> ha scritto:

> I have one more thing to say - speaking now as a developer.
> As some of you may know, I recently returned to Cisco as CTO of the
> cloud collaboration group, which is responsible for Webex. Webex was
> one of the first services to do voice and video on the web, using
> plugins of course. For our business, a key requirement is
> interoperability with other video systems in the Cisco portfolio,
> including our video clients and telepresence units. Those are all
> based on H.264. Consequently, much as I would like to avoid the need
> for a plugin, the benefits of eliminating the plugin do not outweigh
> the drawbacks of having to transcode from VP8 to H.264. If IETF
> selects VP8 as the MTI codec, this will make it dramatically more
> difficult and expensive for us to use webRTC. If H.264 is the MIT
> codec, it will make it much easier for us to use webRTC.

Speaking as a developer working for a company with much less money than
yours, if the IETF selects H.264 as the MTI codec, this will make it
even more dramatically difficult and expensive (if not impossible) for
pretty much everybody else to use webRTC, or at least to develop
services based on it.


Lorenzo Miniero, COB

Meetecho s.r.l.
Web Conferencing and Collaboration Tools
rtcweb mailing list

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