Re: Email Subaddressing

Bart Schaefer <> Fri, 01 August 1997 18:19 UTC

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From: Bart Schaefer <>
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Date: Fri, 01 Aug 1997 10:42:54 -0700
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Comments: In reply to "D. J. Bernstein" <> "Re: Email Subaddressing" (Aug 1, 12:29am)
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Subject: Re: Email Subaddressing
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On Aug 1, 12:29am, D. J. Bernstein wrote:
} Subject: Re: Email Subaddressing
} > Is there any way to make the answer be "yes"
} MTAs and LDAs that don't support what the users want are thrown away.

That's very nice in theory, but in the "real world" the MTAs and LDAs
are more often chosen on the basis of what the MTA administrator wants.

} This is called competition. It's how the real world makes progress.

So somebody who wants to create and market *only* an LDA or *only* a
submission agent should be shut out of the competitive process because
there's no way to interoperate?

I'd rather see competition on quality and versatility than on proprietary
data formats.

} > other than standardizing the format subaddresses?
} It's none of your business how a host interprets its local addresses.

It's certainly the business of the users of that host.  In the "real
world" an awful lot of those users are sitting on the far side of POP
or IMAP and SMTP connections, with control over how their personal MUA
is configured but absolutely no control over the host that interprets
their local addresses.

How can those remote users obtain the benefits of subaddressing?

(BTW, I tried to follow and got
" - 404 file not found".)

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises