Re: Email Subaddressing

Bart Schaefer <> Sat, 02 August 1997 20:24 UTC

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From: Bart Schaefer <>
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Date: Sat, 02 Aug 1997 12:58:39 -0700
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Comments: In reply to "D. J. Bernstein" <> "Re: Email Subaddressing" (Aug 2, 7:17am)
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Subject: Re: Email Subaddressing
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On Aug 2,  7:17am, D. J. Bernstein wrote:
} Subject: Re: Email Subaddressing
} The IETF is the Internet Engineering Task Force, not the UNIX MTA-LDA
} Interface Engineering Task Force.

I don't give a damn how a Unix MTA and LDA interface to one another, and
certainly if that were all that's involved here there'd be no need for
a spec.

I am interested in how the submission agent that comes with my Mac MUA
interfaces with the MTA and LDA on the Win/NT host that's my ISP's IMAP
server.  Oh, and by the way, the ISP that's my IMAP server is not the
same one to which my Mac makes its PPP connection; in fact, there are
three different ISPs through which I send and recieve mail, but only
one submission agent on my Mac.  One ISP doesn't do subaddressing, and
the other two don't do it the same way.

As I said quite some while before, this is mainly an inconvenience; it
means I just don't use subaddressing anywhere, even though I'd like to.
Is it a bad enough inconvenience that a standard is needed to eliminate
it?  I'm not sure.  But I certainly haven't seen anything to convince
me that it'll go away by itself without one.

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises