Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-networking-26.txt
"Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong" <> Wed, 30 March 2022 16:48 UTC
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From: "Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong" <>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2022 01:47:24 +0900
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To: "Templin (US), Fred L" <>
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Subject: Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-networking-26.txt
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Hi Fred, Here is the revision of IPWAVE PS Draft: I attach a revision letter to explain how Chris and I have addressed your comments on the revision. Thanks. Best Regards, Paul On Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 3:17 AM Templin (US), Fred L <> wrote: > Thanks Paul, and I am certainly open to discuss any aspects. > > > > Fred > > > > *From:* Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong [] > *Sent:* Thursday, February 24, 2022 3:55 PM > *To:* Pascal Thubert <>; Templin (US), Fred L < >> > *Cc:*; Erik Kline <>; Mr. > Jaehoon Paul Jeong <>;; >; skku-iotlab-members <> > *Subject:* Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: > draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-networking-26.txt > > > > Hi Fred, > > Thanks for your suggested update. > > > > However, I need the review from Pascal as an INTDIR reviewer. > > > > Pascal, > > Could you review the update from Fred and confirm that his update does not > break the balance between the two approaches of RPL and AERO/ONMI? > > > > Thanks. > > > > Best Regards, > > Paul > > > > 2022년 2월 25일 (금) 오전 5:51, Templin (US), Fred L <> > 님이 작성: > > All, see below for my comments on > 'draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-networking-26.txt'. > It might be worth noting that my colleagues and I have been looking at > vehicular > communications use cases for a long time (e.g., see: RANGERS [RFC6139]). > > Indeed, support for vehicular communications of all forms (land, sea, air, > space) > has long been the driving force behind the AERO and OMNI technologies which > have taken their current shape as a result. Please see below for comments > and > make corresponding changes to the document. > > Fred Templin > > --- > > Comments on 'draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-networking-26.txt': > ************************************************** > 1) Section 1, change: "Asymmetric Extended Route Optimization (AERO) > [I-D.templin-6man-aero]" > to: > "Automatic Extended Route Optimization based on the Overlay Multilink > Network Interface (AERO/OMNI) > [I-D.templin-6man-aero][I-D.templin-6man-omni]". > > 2) Section 3, change: "The use cases presented in this section serve as > the description and motivation for the need to extend IPv6 and its > protocols > to facilitate "Vehicular IPv6"." > to: > "The use cases presented in this section serve as the description and > motivation > for the need to augment IPv6 and its protocols to facilitate "Vehicular > IPv6"." > > 3) Section 3.2, change the paragraph beginning: "The existing IPv6 protocol > must be augmented through protocol changes..." > to: > "The existing IPv6 protocol must be augmented either through protocol > changes > or by including a new adaptation layer in the architecture that efficiently > maps IPv6 to a diversity of link layer technologies. Augmentation is > necessary > to support wireless multihop V2I communications in a highway where RSUs are > sparsely deployed, so a vehicle can reach the wireless coverage of an RSU > through the multihop data forwarding of intermediate vehicles." > > 4) Section 3.3, change the paragraph beginning: "The existing IPv6 protocol > must be augmented through protocol changes..." > to: > "The existing IPv6 protocol must be augmented through protocol changes or > by including a new adaptation layer in the architecture that efficiently > maps IPv6 to a diversity of underlying link layer technologies. > Augmentation > is necessary to support wireless multihop V2X or V2I2X communications in an > urban road network where RSUs are deployed at intersections, so a vehicle > (or a pedestrian's smartphone) can reach the wireless coverage of an RSU > through the multihop data forwarding of intermediate vehicles (or > pedestrians' > smartphones) as packet forwarders." > > 5) Section 4.1, second paragraph, change: "OMNI (Overlay Multilink Network > Interface) [I-D.templin-6man-omni]" > to: > "AERO/OMNI [I-D.templin-6man-aero][I-D.templin-6man-omni]". > > 6) Section 4.1, third paragraph, change: "Furthermore, the wireless > media interfaces are autoconfigured with a global IPv6 prefix > (e.g., 2001:DB8:1:1::/64) to support both V2V and V2I networking. Note > that 2001:DB8::/32 is a documentation prefix [RFC3849] for example > prefixes in this document, and also that any routable IPv6 address > needs to be routable in a VANET and a vehicular network including IP-RSUs." > to: > "In a first addressing alternative, the wireless media interfaces > are autoconfigured with a global IPv6 prefix (e.g., 2001:DB8:1:1::/64) > to support both V2V and V2I networking. Note that 2001:DB8::/32 is a > documentation prefix [RFC3849] for example prefixes in this document, > and also that any routable IPv6 address needs to be routable in a VANET > and a vehicular network including IP-RSUs. In a second alternative, each > wireless media interface is configured with an IPv6 Unique Local Address > (ULA) [RFC4193] that is assured unique within the vehicular network > according to AERO/OMNI and [RFC5889]. The ULA supports both V2V and V2I > multihop forwarding within the vehicular network (e.g., via a VANET > routing protocol) while each vehicle can communicate with Internet > correspondents using global IPv6 addresses via OMNI interface > encapsulation over the wireless interface." > > 7) Section 4.1, fifth paragraph, change: "Alternatively, mobile nodes > can employ a "Bring-Your-Own-Addresses (BYOA)" technique using their > own IPv6 Unique Local Addresses (ULAs) [RFC4193] over the wireless > network, which does not require the messaging (e.g., Duplicate Address > Detection (DAD)) of IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) > [RFC4862]." > to: > "Alternatively, mobile nodes can configure IPv6 Unique Local Addresses > (ULAs) according AERO/OMNI then support global communications through > OMNI interface encapsulation and forwarding of packets with MNP-based > global IPv6 addresses over the wireless networks. The use of AERO/OMNI > ULA autoconfiguration assures uniqueness such that Duplicate Address > Detection (DAD) of IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) > [RFC4862] is not needed." > > 8) Section 4.2, add the following as a final paragraph: > "In a second alternative when vehicles configure an OMNI interface over > an underlying VANET based on ULA addressing, the global IPv6 addresses > covered by the MNP on-board the vehicle are not injected into the VANET > routing system but instead traverse the VANET in the forwarding plane > via OMNI encapsulation. This allows each vehicle to maintain a constant > and unchanging MNP delegation even as it moves between IP-RSUs. This > avoids any need for vehicle on-board network renumbering due to > mobility and avoids repeated injections and withdrawals of MNP > prefixes within the VANET." > > 9) Section 4.3, add new paragraph following paragraph beginning > "Figure 3 shows the internetworking" as follows: > "When two vehicles within a ULA-based VANET need to communicate without > the assistance of any infrastructure, they can exchange unencapsulated > IPv6 packets with ULA-based addresses which will be forwarded according > to the VANET routing protocol. Alternatively, the vehicles can use OMNI > interface encapsulation to exchange IPv6 packets with global addresses > taken from their respective MNPs. The encapsulation source and destination > ULAs are algorithmically bound to the IPv6 source and destination global > addresses which allows for stateless encapsulation address determination." > > 10) Section 4.3, final paragraph, there is no reason to cite as examples > all RFC variants of the OLSR protocol and all extensions of the DLEP > protocol - pick one (or at most 2) RFCs for each. Also, it is important > to state that standard OSPF routing has been optimized to support MANET > applications. Suggested rewrite: > "...which serves MANET routing protocols such as the different versions > of Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) [RFC3626][RFC7181], Open > Shortest Path First (OSPF) derivatives (e.g., [RFC5614]) and the Dynamic > Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) [RFC8175] with its extensions." > > 11) Section 5.1, second paragraph, change: "they need to be configured > with a link-local IPv6 address or a global IPv6 address" > to: > "they need to be configured with link-local, unique-local and/or global > IPv6 addresses" > > 12) Section 5.2, third paragraph, change: "An efficient DAD is required > to reduce the overhead of the DAD packets during a vehicle's travel in > a road network" > to: > "DAD is not needed in networks that follow the OMNI ULA autoconfiguration > procedures. In other cases when DAD is needed, it must be made efficient > to reduce the overhead of the DAD packets during a vehicle's travel in > a road network" > > 13) Section 5.1.1, third paragraph, change: "There is a relationship > between a link and a prefix, besides the different scopes that are > expected from the link-local and global types of IPv6 addresses." > to: > "There is a relationship between a link and a prefix, besides the > different scopes that are expected from the link-local, unique-local > and global types of IPv6 addresses." > > 14) Section 5.1.1, add a new second-to-last paragraph as follows: > "Often when two VANETs merge some vehicles may configure addresses from > a first subnet prefix while other vehicles configure addresses from other > subnet prefixes. These merge events must not interfere with the > vehicle-to-vehicle multihop forwarding necessary to support continuous > communications. Additionally, when a vehicle enters the network for the > first time it may need to use a temporary ULA address in initial messages > to negotiate with an IP-RSU for an address within the subnet. The VANET > must therefore provide (short-term) forwarding for vehicles with foreign > addresses, while the subnet prefix serves as an aggregation point of > reference for a particular IP-RSU without impeding multihop forwarding > between vehicles that may belong to different subnets." > > 15) Section 5.1.3 goes too far in expanding on RPL. It is based on the > claim that: "However, it will be costly to run both vehicular ND and a > vehicular ad hoc routing protocol in terms of control traffic overhead > [RFC9119].". But, the AERO/OMNI approach uses only the MANET routing > protocol control messages at the subnet level then applies unicast-only > IPv6 ND messaging at the OMNI interface level so that there is no traffic > amplification due to multicast IPv6 ND within the subnet. Therefore, a > new third paragraph telling how it works in AERO/OMNI should be added > as follows: > "The AERO/OMNI approach avoids this issue by using MANET routing protocols > only (i.e., and no multicast IPv6 ND messaging) in the wireless network > underlay while applying efficient unicast IPv6 ND messaging in the OMNI > overlay on an as-needed basis for router discovery and NUD. This greatly > reduces the overhead for VANET-wide multicasting while providing agile > accommodation for dynamic topology changes." > > Additionally, the RPL text should be reduced by at least 50%. > > 16) Section 5.2, paragraph 6 change: "Even though the SLAAC with classic > ND costs a DAD during mobility management, the SLAAC with [RFC8505] does > not cost a DAD." > to: > "Even though classic IPv6 ND requires the use of DAD on many link types > during mobility management, address autoconfiguration based on [RFC8505] > and/or AERO/OMNI does not require DAD." > > 17) Section 5.2, paragraph 6, remove the following text entirely: > "On the other hand, a BYOA does not allow such direct routability > to the Internet since the BYOA is not topologically correct, that is, > not routable in the Internet. In addition, a vehicle configured with > a BYOA needs a tunnel home (e.g., IP-RSU) connected to the Internet, > and the vehicle needs to know which neighboring vehicle is reachable > inside the VANET toward the tunnel home. There is nonnegligible control > overhead to set up and maintain routes to such a tunnel home over > the VANET." > > Reason: There is always a cost for maintaining mobility management > for addresses within an MNP. It can be done either by frequent > advertisements/withdrawals of the MNP in the global routing system or > through coordination with a mobility anchor point in an overlay via > encapsulation. The Connexion by Boeing experience showed that dynamic > routing protocol updates do not scale in the global Internet. The > AERO/OMNI services instead minimize routing protocol disturbance > while using efficient mobility signaling in the overlay. > > 18) Section 5.2, near the end, remove the following sentence: "IP > tunneling over the wireless link should be avoided for performance > efficiency." > > Reason: IP tunneling is used only in support of global-scoped IPv6 > communication (not local-scoped) and can use effective header > compression for greater efficiency as in AERO/OMNI. In addition, > there is value in using encapsulation both from the standpoint of > minimizing global routing protocol overhead and by accommodating > path MTU diversity (see below). > > 19) Add a new Section 5.3 as follows: > "5.3 Accommodating MTU Diversity > > The wireless and/or wired-line links in paths between both mobile > nodes and fixed network correspondents may configure a variety of > Maximum Transmission Units (MTUs), where all IPv6 links are required > to support a minimum MTU of 1280 octets and MAY support larger MTUs. > Unfortunately, determining the path MTU (i.e., the minimum link MTU > in the path) has proven to be inefficient and unreliable due to the > uncertain nature of the loss-oriented ICMPv6 messaging service used > for path MTU discovery. Recent developments have produced a more > reliable path MTU determination service for TCP [RFC4821] and UDP > [RFC8899] however the MTUs discovered are always limited by the most > restrictive link MTU in the path (often 1500 octets or smaller). > > The AERO/OMNI service addresses the MTU issue by introducing a new > layer in the Internet architecture known as the "OMNI Adaptation Layer > (OAL)". The OAL allows end systems that configure an OMNI interface > to utilize a full 65535 octet MTU by leveraging the IPv6 fragmentation > and reassembly service during encapsulation to produce fragment sizes > that are assured of traversing the path without loss due to a > size restriction. (This allows end systems to send packets that are > often much larger than the actual path MTU.) > > Performance studies over the course of many decades have proven that > applications will see greater performance by sending smaller numbers > of large packets (as opposed to larger numbers of small packets) even > if fragmentation is needed. The OAL further supports even larger packet > sizes through the IP Parcels construct [I-D.templin-intarea-parcels] > which provides "packet-in-packet" encapsulation for a total size up > to 4MB. Together, the OAL and IP Parcels will provide a revolutionary > new capability for greater efficiency in both mobile and fixed networks." > > 20) Appendix B, add the following as a final paragraph: > "AERO and OMNI together securely and efficiently address the following > 6 M's of Modern Internetworking for mobile V2V, V2I and V2X Clients: > > 1. Multilink: A Client's ability to coordinate multiple diverse > underlying data links as a single logical unit (i.e., the OMNI > interface) to achieve the required communications performance and > reliability objectives. > > 2. Multinet: The ability to span the OMNI link over a segment > routing topology with multiple diverse administrative domain > network segments while maintaining seamless E2E communications > between mobile Clients and correspondents such as air traffic > controllers and fleet administrators. > > 3. Mobility: A Client's ability to change network points of > attachment (e.g., moving between wireless base stations) which > may result in an underlying interface address change without > disruptions to ongoing communication sessions with peers over the > OMNI link. > > 4. Multicast: The ability to send a single network transmission that > reaches multiple Clients belonging to the same interest group > without disturbing other Clients not subscribed to the interest > group. > > 5. Multihop: A mobile Client's V2V relaying capability useful when > multiple forwarding hops between vehicles may be necessary to > reach back to an infrastructure access point connection to the > OMNI link. > > 6. MTU Assurance: The ability to deliver packets of various robust > sizes between peers without loss due to a link size restriction, > and to dynamically adjust packet sizes in order to achieve the > optimal performance for each independent traffic flow." > > -- > > =========================== > Mr. Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, Ph.D. > Associate Professor > > Department Head > Department of Computer Science and Engineering > Sungkyunkwan University > Office: +82-31-299-4957 > Email:, > Personal Homepage: > <> >
- [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-… internet-drafts
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Russ Housley
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Dirk.von-Hugo
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Erik Kline
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Erik Kline
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Dirk.von-Hugo
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Erik Kline
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Rex Buddenberg
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Templin (US), Fred L
- Re: [ipwave] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicu… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] [EXTERNAL] Re: I-D Action: draft-iet… Templin (US), Fred L