Re: [Resolverless-dns] Paper on Resolver-less DNS

"Ralf Weber" <> Wed, 21 August 2019 07:37 UTC

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To: Erik Sy <>
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On 20 Aug 2019, at 21:30, Erik Sy wrote:
> Ok, as a matter of fact we have evidence that some ISPs collected data
> on their customers' private online activities with the intention to sell
> this information to advertising companies.
They were also fined and had to stop it. Part of the reason here is
probably because unlike web companies ISP and Telcos are regulated in
most parts of the world.

> Your standpoint is, that this
> has nothing to do with the ISP's DNS resolver or selling DNS data.
Yes because I have not seen evidence and certainly not broad evidence
needed to call this a common practice which a lot of people do. I’ve
seen lots of evidence of people abusing HTTP (the once you cite being
one) to invade user privacy. Thus I want my name resolution to go to
my ISP and not to some web server operator I have no relationship

> I have no explanation why an ISP should apply better privacy protections
> to their customers DNS data compared to the customers network traffic
> because both enable a significant monitoring of the users' online
> activities. Do you have an explanation for this?
Yes. ISP/Telcos are usually big organisations. DNS mostly is seen as
a network function and thus is within some kind of engineering department.
Engineers have a different mindset on data then say people working in a
marketing department, which usually is where these advertising programs

So long
Ralf Weber