[Sipping] draft-camarillo-sipping-sbc-funcs-02.txt

henry@sinnreich.net Thu, 20 October 2005 22:34 UTC

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The I-D "SIP-Unfriendly Functions in Current
Communication Architectures"

 is both very timely and an excellent piece of work.

The section "4.Security Considerations" needs however to go in some more
detail. For example:

- If the SBC is compromised (it happens on the Internet) then what are the
vulnerabilities for (1) SIP signaling and (2) RTP media streams?

- What possible attacks and vulnerabilities are there for the users and for
the operator of the SBC? (DOS, SPIT, impersonation, telemarketing, MIM,
theft of service, traffic monitoring, privacy, collecting internal IP
addresses, other - if all this may indeed apply.) What are the techniques
for securing an SBC, besides obscurity?

- How are the above vulnerabilities affected from keeping call state in the

Maybe a section on interoperability could also be added. If two networks use
SBCs from different vendors, how will the interoperability be tested with
two SBCs in the path? See also the transparency criteria from Dean Willis.

Congratulations again for dealing with this difficult topic with such

Thanks, Henry

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