Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server went online yesterday!

Tao Effect <> Sat, 08 February 2014 01:35 UTC

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From: Tao Effect <>
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Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 19:34:59 -0600
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To: Andrew Sullivan <>
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Subject: Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server went online yesterday!
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Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the feedback!

> Given that you're basically telling people to use these names in a
> context where DNS names are expected to go, I would like to suggest
> that you want to do something than make up a string that you think
> won't collide in the DNS, for two reasons: (1) these queries will
> sometimes leak by accident onto the public DNS, where they're "junk",
> and (2) a new TLD applicant of the future could ask for .dns, and
> there's no obvious reason why ICANN would have to say no.  This will
> represent a security risk to your users.

This equally applies to GNUnet's DNS system (.gnu?), to Namecoin's .bit, and to Tor's .onion links.

The public DNS is broken and insecure.

ICANN is an old, centralized, and insecure thing, that I personally feel, at this point, is more deserving of the label "junk". ;-)

> I would like to suggest some other domain name.  You can register any
> available thing you like.  It need not actually resolve in the public
> DNS, as long as it is registered so that nobody else can get it.

How do I register the .dns TLD?

Does it involve paying money to ICANN? I'd rather not pay them anymore than I'm already begrudgingly paying them.

Is it even possible? I doubt it. :-p

"Hey guys, I'd like to put you out of business and make the whole domain registration thing decentralized, could you please give me .dns?"



Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA.