Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server went online yesterday!

Paul Wouters <> Sat, 08 February 2014 02:02 UTC

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Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 21:02:13 -0500
From: Paul Wouters <>
To: Tao Effect <>
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Subject: Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server went online yesterday!
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On Fri, 7 Feb 2014, Tao Effect wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> Thanks for the feedback!

Unfortunately, you did not actually read Andrew's feedback.

> This equally applies to GNUnet's DNS system (.gnu?), to Namecoin's .bit, and to Tor's .onion links.

Which is also seeing quite some resistence (and justly so)

> The public DNS is broken and insecure.

So why do you want a TLD in it? It's broken and insecure. Go somewhere
secure? Oh, you mean it is still useful and secure enough for you? Maybe
it is secure and useful enough for everyone else too?

> ICANN is an old, centralized, and insecure thing, that I personally feel, at this point, is more deserving of the label
> "junk". ;-)

>       I would like to suggest some other domain name.  You can register any
>       available thing you like.  It need not actually resolve in the public
>       DNS, as long as it is registered so that nobody else can get it.
> How do I register the .dns TLD?

That's not what Andrew asked you. Why can you not register and use

> Does it involve paying money to ICANN? I'd rather not pay them anymore than I'm already begrudgingly paying them.

Yes, pay ICANN $120k

> Is it even possible? I doubt it. :-p

Yes it is. I'm sure you can pay that $120k immediately once you tell
your angel investor about your grand plan on how to save _everyone_ in
the world from their $10/year domain rip-off.

> "Hey guys, I'd like to put you out of business and make the whole domain registration thing decentralized, could you please
> give me .dns?"

How come you _need_ them _and_ will put them out of business? Why not
pretend you succeeded and ICANN and the DNS is dead. So no need for your
.dns TLD anymore, since the root is dead. Why do you want .dns again?

You didn't even address two valid points Andrew brought up:

1) You are going to cause sending junk queries all over the internet.
    What are your plans to preven/reduce that?

2) Why do you need a TLD .dns, and why can't you use a $15/year

My bet is that you are going to provide some kind of mapping service to
bridge cryptographically secure hashes into memorable names, thus
becoming your own ICANN. See the above link :P
