[therightkey] Forest Model -> was RE: First public DNSChain server went online yesterday!
Paul Lambert <paul@marvell.com> Tue, 11 February 2014 01:47 UTC
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From: Paul Lambert <paul@marvell.com>
To: Phillip Hallam-Baker <hallam@gmail.com>, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@vpnc.org>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 17:47:33 -0800
Thread-Topic: Forest Model -> was RE: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server went online yesterday!
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Subject: [therightkey] Forest Model -> was RE: First public DNSChain server went online yesterday!
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>Why would anyone need a certificate in this system? The binding to a public key is intrinsic to the whole naming architecture. Yes! >Come to that, why would anyone need .dns??? If namecoin is going to replace the DNS, >why make the mistake of upper level hierarchy? Surely the new system should be the apex >of the hierarchy and the legacy DNS subordinated under .icann. > >I do have a solution though. There are some TLDs that are not expletives that are almost >certain to be permanently withheld from issue. I suggest they consider using .pot or .weed. I prefer the forest model ... every key can define a namespace: paulehoffman.com.73940a8b75ac184ddbe3ca3c2c809c67 Paul
- Re: [therightkey] DNSNMC Subject line is stupid Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: [therightkey] DNSNMC Subject line is stupid Tao Effect
- [therightkey] First public DNSChain server went o… Tao Effect
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Tao Effect
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Paul Wouters
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Tao Effect
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Tao Effect
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… David Conrad
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Tao Effect
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Tao Effect
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Paul Wouters
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Tao Effect
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server we… Tao Effect
- [therightkey] Forest Model -> was RE: First publi… Paul Lambert
- Re: [therightkey] Forest Model -> was RE: First p… Paul Wouters
- Re: [therightkey] Forest Model -> was RE: First p… Paul Lambert
- Re: [therightkey] Forest Model -> was RE: First p… Phillip Hallam-Baker