Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server went online yesterday!

Tao Effect <> Sat, 08 February 2014 03:48 UTC

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From: Tao Effect <>
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Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 21:48:42 -0600
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To: Paul Wouters <>
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Subject: Re: [therightkey] First public DNSChain server went online yesterday!
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Hi Paul,

On Feb 7, 2014, at 8:02 PM, Paul Wouters <> wrote:

> So why do you want a TLD in it? It's broken and insecure. Go somewhere
> secure? Oh, you mean it is still useful and secure enough for you? Maybe
> it is secure and useful enough for everyone else too?

... oh dear ...


Think that blog post was shot down on metzdowd or randombit, I won't bother repeating the conversation here. Sufficed to say that it's incorrect.

> Yes, pay ICANN $120k

I'd rather not, and there's no need or compelling reason to. They can take their monopoly and slowly disappear with it.

> Yes it is. I'm sure you can pay that $120k immediately once you tell
> your angel investor about your grand plan on how to save _everyone_ in
> the world from their $10/year domain rip-off.

Don't need angel investors. Code works, and I have my server. You can use it if you'd like, I won't charge you. :-)

> How come you _need_ them _and_ will put them out of business?

It sounds like you do not understand what DNSChain is.

I don't need them, nor does anyone else. I'm using .dns right now, and .bit, and so are others, and ICANN is not involved in any way.

> Why not pretend you succeeded and ICANN and the DNS is dead. So no need for your
> .dns TLD anymore, since the root is dead. Why do you want .dns again?

DNS wouldn't be dead if ICANN were gone, it would just be different.

Instead of depending on a centralized authority that charges everyone money, it would be distributed.

The blockchain works. DHT works.

We have the technology. It's here now.

No need to push a centralized authority on anyone.

> You didn't even address two valid points Andrew brought up:
> 1) You are going to cause sending junk queries all over the internet.
>   What are your plans to preven/reduce that?

Sorry, I don't understand what the problem is? Could you elaborate?

> 2) Why do you need a TLD .dns, and why can't you use a $15/year

It's a meta-TLD, not a TLD.

Each .dns is owned by just one DNSChain server. Yours, hopefully. :-)


Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA.