Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group charter proposal
Dave Crocker <> Sat, 13 April 2013 02:20 UTC
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Subject: Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group charter proposal
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Scott, Would that these processes were more smooth. However... On 4/12/2013 2:56 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote: > "The initial charter for this working group does not include revising the base > specification" > > I don't think removing the work on the base specification from the charter > really addresses the concern that the previous draft charter over constrained > work on the base charter. "You have to recharter" to make a change seems very > constraining. To charter a working group that will make changes to a specification, there first must be a sense of the kinds of changes that are needed and desired by the folks who will develop and deploy the changes. Before bringing the spec to the IETF venue, we looked quite hard amongst the current DMARC community for a meaningful, near-term work-list to attempt on the base spec, and failed to develop one. So Scott, what changes to the DMARC base spec are you seeking and why and who wants them and how do we know this? > There were a number of suggestions based on DKIM and other WG charters that > seemed to me like a good basis for balancing the concerns of existing > implementers with the idea of allowing an IETF working group to actually do > work. The issue is not whether random, thoughtful folk can imagine a range of changes to make. The question is what is actually needed and by whom and what the basis for believing this is. Start by considering that there is a recent installed base, which means that the folks currently deploying DMARC, to cover roughly 60% of the world's mailboxes, would like to recover their initial investment before making more changes. Then consider that they haven't yet registered requests for changes or enhancements. Then please explain the basis for changing to make more changes now? d/ -- Dave Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Dave Crocker
- [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group charte… Murray S. Kucherawy
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Scott Kitterman
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… J. Trent Adams
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Scott Kitterman
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Dave Crocker
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Scott Kitterman
- [apps-discuss] DMARC and the conflict of extensio… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Dave Crocker
- Re: [apps-discuss] DMARC and the conflict of exte… Dave Crocker
- Re: [apps-discuss] DMARC and the conflict of exte… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [apps-discuss] DMARC and the conflict of exte… Murray S. Kucherawy
- Re: [apps-discuss] DMARC and the conflict of exte… MH Michael Hammer (5304)
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Scott Kitterman
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Dave Crocker
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Scott Kitterman
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Dave Crocker
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Scott Kitterman
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… t.petch
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Dave Crocker
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… J. Trent Adams
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Dave Crocker
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Scott Kitterman
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Scott Kitterman
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Dave Crocker
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Scott Kitterman
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… J. Trent Adams
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Scott Kitterman
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Dave Crocker
- Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group ch… Scott Kitterman