[eman] YANG model for battery MIB
Alexandre Petrescu <alexandre.petrescu@gmail.com> Fri, 08 July 2016 12:24 UTC
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Subject: [eman] YANG model for battery MIB
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Hello, We have submitted a new draft describing a YANG model for the battery MIB: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-petrescu-battery-mib-yang-00 How should we pursue this draft? Alex Le 06/07/2016 à 13:52, Alexandre Petrescu a écrit : > > > Le 30/06/2016 à 06:49, joel jaeggli a écrit : >> On 6/28/16 8:10 AM, Romascanu, Dan (Dan) wrote: >>> Sure. But your two statements (in the first paragraph) use each of >>> the conditional 'may'. What is the reason to use YANG on the devices? >>> The SDN paradigm does not AFAIK make assumptions about using a >>> specific protocol or DML at the device management level. YANG comes >>> at a certain cost (bits on wire, memory). Maybe this is affordable, >>> or maybe YANG is needed for other reasons, but this needs to be shown >>> explicitely. >> >> Signaling presumes in some utility is derived from coordination. >> >> If I have a ten year primary battery or I'm a space probe headed to >> alpha centuri I'm not going to devote a lot of electrons to expressing >> my power consumption or battery condition. >> >> More active or particularly coordinated groups of devices such as the >> elements of a BST or a datacenter might well have information to share. > > Whereas I can expect a BST (Base Station?) to be operated on chemical > battery in emergency areas, it would be hard to imagine an entire > datacenter on battery - wouldn't it rather be on combustion-engine > electricity generators? > > For the BST case: I will write separately. > > For the datacenter: I think there would be a need for an entirely > different MIB, different than a battery-MIB. > > Alex > >> >>> Regards, >>> >>> Dan >>> >>> >>>> -----Original Message----- From: Alexandre Petrescu >>>> [mailto:alexandre.petrescu@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 >>>> 5:55 PM To: Romascanu, Dan (Dan); Rolf Winter; Nadeau Thomas Cc: >>>> eman@ietf.org Subject: Re: [eman] energy-specific efforts at IETF? >>>> >>>> The SDN paradigm may be applied not just to switches but to >>>> smartphones. Further, a tool like CoMI (CoAP Management Interface) >>>> may make use of YANG models on IoT devices which are typically >>>> constrained on battery. >>>> >>>> Yesterday I read about an NB-IoT LPWA device from u-blox which runs >>>> on a battery for 10 years. >>>> >>>> Alex >>>> >>>> Le 02/06/2016 à 11:20, Romascanu, Dan (Dan) a écrit : >>>>> No, RFC 7577 defines an SMIv2 MIB. >>>>> >>>>> Before engaging in a discussion about 'let us do EMAN data >>>>> modelling in YANG' I would like to see a use case - i.e. an >>>>> example of an energy monitoring system that uses YANG for >>>>> reporting energy information. >>>>> >>>>> Regards, >>>>> >>>>> Dan >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> -----Original Message----- From: eman >>>>>> [mailto:eman-bounces@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Alexandre Petrescu >>>>>> Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 11:22 AM To: Rolf Winter; Nadeau >>>>>> Thomas Cc: eman@ietf.org Subject: Re: [eman] energy-specific >>>>>> efforts at IETF? >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Le 02/06/2016 à 10:18, Rolf Winter a écrit : >>>>>>> Is there anything that the EMAN work is not addressing or >>>>>>> that requires new protocol work? >>>>>> >>>>>> For my clarification - is the battery monitoring MIB RFC7577 >>>>>> using YANG? >>>>>> >>>>>> Alex >>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 8:00 PM, Nadeau Thomas >>>>>> <tnadeau@lucidvision.com> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Not that I know of in the form of an official working >>>>>>>> group. EMAN was >>>>>> shut down something like a year ago. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> --Tom >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Jun 1, 2016:8:34 AM, at 8:34 AM, Alexandre Petrescu >>>>>> <alexandre.petrescu@gmail.com> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Hi, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Is there any other effort focusing on energy consumption >>>>>>>>> happening at >>>>>> IETF currently? >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I am interested in aspects related to energy consumption >>>>>>>>> of IP networks >>>>>> used to deliver video streams. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Yours, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Alex Petrescu >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Le 09/06/2015 à 05:01, Mouli Chandramouli (moulchan) a >>>>>>>>> écrit : >>>>>>>>>> Thanks to all the WG chairs for shepherding the IETF >>>>>>>>>> drafts and taking them to a conclusion. I may not be >>>>>>>>>> able to travel to Prague. So, enjoy. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Cheers Mouli >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> From: Nadeau Thomas <tnadeau@lucidvision.com >>>>>>>>>> <mailto:tnadeau@lucidvision.com>> Date: Saturday, 6 >>>>>>>>>> June 2015 2:22 AM To: "Benoit Claise (bclaise)" >>>>>>>>>> <bclaise@cisco.com <mailto:bclaise@cisco.com>> Cc: eman >>>>>>>>>> mailing list <eman@ietf.org <mailto:eman@ietf.org>>, >>>>>>>>>> "eman-chairs@tools.ietf.org >>>>>>>>>> <mailto:eman-chairs@tools.ietf.org>" >>>>>>>>>> <eman-chairs@tools.ietf.org >>>>>>>>>> <mailto:eman-chairs@tools.ietf.org>> Subject: Re: >>>>>>>>>> [eman] Status of the EMAN W.G. effort. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Beers are on you! 8) >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Jun 5, 2015:4:46 PM, at 4:46 PM, Benoit Claise >>>>>>>>>>> <bclaise@cisco.com <mailto:bclaise@cisco.com>> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Yes, thanks to the contributors, document editors, WG >>>>>>>>>>> chairs, previous ADs :-), basically the entire EMAN >>>>>>>>>>> community. Celebration in Prague? Fine with me. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Regards, Benoit >>>>>>>>>>>> Greetings, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Now that we've crossed the milstone of having >>>>>>>>>>>> draft-ietf-eman-applicability-statement-11 move to >>>>>>>>>>>> the RFC editor >>>>>> queue, >>>>>>>>>>>> I think we can pause and reflect on the effort that >>>>>>>>>>>> has completed. >>>>>> It >>>>>>>>>>>> took a while to get here and the consensus that we >>>>>>>>>>>> built was hard >>>>>> won >>>>>>>>>>>> but I hope durable. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> It's my intention to close down the working group, >>>>>>>>>>>> maintaining the mailing list for a time. The >>>>>>>>>>>> mailing list archive as with other IETF mailing >>>>>>>>>>>> lists will be preserved. in the immediate sense if >>>>>>>>>>>> there is >>>>>> work >>>>>>>>>>>> around the edges of this space we have the opsawg >>>>>>>>>>>> working >>>> group >>>>>> to >>>>>>>>>>>> support such activities. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you again for your diligent efforts, >>>>>>>>>>>> especially the present and former chairs who >>>>>>>>>>>> shepherded this work to the point that it is at >>>>>> now. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Regards Joel >>>>> >>> _______________________________________________ eman mailing list >>> eman@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/eman >>> >> >> > > _______________________________________________ > eman mailing list > eman@ietf.org > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/eman
- Re: [eman] YANG model for battery MIB Juergen Schoenwaelder
- Re: [eman] YANG model for battery MIB Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [eman] YANG model for battery MIB Juergen Schoenwaelder
- [eman] YANG model for battery MIB Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [eman] energy-specific efforts at IETF? Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [eman] energy-specific efforts at IETF? joel jaeggli
- Re: [eman] energy-specific efforts at IETF? Alexandre Petrescu
- [eman] Status of the EMAN W.G. effort. joel jaeggli
- Re: [eman] Status of the EMAN W.G. effort. Nadeau Thomas
- Re: [eman] Status of the EMAN W.G. effort. John Parello (jparello)
- Re: [eman] Status of the EMAN W.G. effort. Nadeau Thomas
- Re: [eman] Status of the EMAN W.G. effort. Romascanu, Dan (Dan)
- Re: [eman] Status of the EMAN W.G. effort. Benoit Claise
- Re: [eman] Status of the EMAN W.G. effort. Nadeau Thomas
- Re: [eman] Status of the EMAN W.G. effort. Mouli Chandramouli (moulchan)
- Re: [eman] YANG model for battery MIB Benoit Claise
- Re: [eman] YANG model for battery MIB Rolf Winter
- Re: [eman] YANG model for battery MIB Andy Bierman
- Re: [eman] YANG model for battery MIB Romascanu, Dan (Dan)
- Re: [eman] YANG model for battery MIB Juergen Schoenwaelder
- Re: [eman] YANG model for battery MIB Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [eman] energy-specific efforts at IETF? Romascanu, Dan (Dan)
- [eman] energy-specific efforts at IETF? Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [eman] energy-specific efforts at IETF? Nadeau Thomas
- Re: [eman] energy-specific efforts at IETF? Rolf Winter
- Re: [eman] energy-specific efforts at IETF? Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [eman] energy-specific efforts at IETF? Romascanu, Dan (Dan)