[vmeet] TOOL: Yugma

Dave CROCKER <dhc@dcrocker.net> Fri, 17 April 2009 16:21 UTC

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Henning Schulzrinne wrote:
>> 3.  We haven't had very many choices put forward.  I hope we do get more.
> - Yugma


Feature set:


>  Yugma Features  	Yugma Pro
>   Number of attendees that a Yugma Host can invite 	20, 50, 100, 500
>   Desktop Sharing 	Included
>   Free Teleconferencing 	Included
>   Public and Private Chat 	Included
>   Customizable Widget 	Included
>   Windows, Mac and Linux compatible 	Included
>   Skype Integration 	Included
>   Share Mouse & Keyboard controls with other attendees 	Included
>   Change Presenter 	Included
>   Annotations & Whiteboarding Tools 	Included
>   Schedule Meetings 	Included
>   Meeting Recording & Playback 	Included
>   Shared File Space

Does anyone have any experience using Yugma?


   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking