[vmeet] TOOL: webex group experiment

Dave CROCKER <dhc@dcrocker.net> Fri, 17 April 2009 16:16 UTC

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Subject: [vmeet] TOOL: webex group experiment
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Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> As far as I can see, the phrase "Cisco has donated WebEx to the IETF"
> (so that IETF participants can use it free of charge) does not imply
> that "WebEx is already the conference tool of the IETF".


1. A limited set of IETF folks have experience with it.  IMO, we need broader 
exposure of a tool before deciding on its use.  The session a week from today is 
intended to help that.

2. It is not clear whether it can or cannot satisfy the IETF's functional 
requirements, since we haven't said what they are yet.

3. We haven't compared it against other choices.  (I could be wrong, but my 
impression is that the donation is not unbounded in time and scale.  I thought 
it was for an evaluation period, but I might have misunderstood.)

4. "Free" isn't good enough if the use of the capability falls short.


   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking