Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Retire My Own CID (#2645)

Nick Banks <> Tue, 11 June 2019 02:27 UTC

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From: Nick Banks <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Retire My Own CID (#2645)
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@erickinnear we have strengthened the text, so that it's no longer a request, but a requirement that the peer retire the CID. I also agree with @ianswett that this is very similar to key update, and if an implementation can synchronize keys and packet numbers, I see no reason why CIDs and packet numbers also cannot be synchronized. Practically, for every packet you send, you pick a CID, a key and a packet number to use at about the same time.

The only scenario that I've heard that gives me some pause is if the peer is currently trying to probe on a new path when you are trying to force the CIDs to be retired. It _might_ be easier for the probing logic to continue using the CID it started the probe with. But I'm still not completely convinced. For one, what if that new path has a MUCH bigger RTT than the old one? That would make it a lot more likely it could hit the 3 PTO timer on the primary path. Also, I see no reason why you couldn't immediately switch the CID used for probing as well.

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